:::: Forty-Five ::::

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The next morning when Nova woke up Allison was staring blankly at the wall. A stale stench invaded her senses and when Nova glanced down she noticed the large beer stain on her red, white, and blue Nike polo. Memories from the night before flooded her mind. She remembered sipping from the beer that Diego had handed her. She remembered men screaming slurs in her face. She remembered the bottle of liquor crashing down against Diego's neck. She remembered the broken bottle of beer swinging in her direction. She remembered holding back her powers that itched to break free. She remembered Allison breaking a chair over someone's back.

"Bleh, I need to change," Nova cringed pulling the collar of her polo away from her body in disgust. Allison glanced over at the girl but her eyes were almost unseeing.

"But your outfit is so cute. It gives off modern-day Rosie the Riveter vibes," Allison said gesturing to the girl's polo, jean shorts, striped tube socks, and red bandana.

"Thank you but I don't exactly love the idea of walking around all day in clothes covered in blood and beer," Nova sighed as she rose to her feet and began to rummage through the clothes that she and Klaus had bought a few days ago.

"In that case choose the outfit with the gold jeans," Allison said as she nodded to one of the outfits Nova had set to the side. For a moment Nova studied the outfit with its metallic jeans, plain black shirt, and brown patterned blazer.

"That's one of the outfits Klaus put together for me," Nova chuckled before she began to change her outfit.

"He does have impeccable taste you can't deny that," Allison said with a slight chuckle as well. She then tossed a pair of orange-tinted sunglasses in Nova's direction. "Take your hair down and try these too."

"How's that?" Nova asked after tousling her tangled hair and turning to face the other woman.

"Jesus, I don't understand how you still look good after last night," Allison sighed as she too stood up. "I mean, you don't even have a bruise or a scratch on you."

"Perks of having fast healing," Nova shrugged but a frown had found its way onto her face. "But those were some cuts and bruises I wouldn't have minded wearing. Come on, the others are probably in the lobby already."

The two women didn't talk much as they made their way to the lobby. Nova's mind as usual was swirling with a storm of thoughts. Of course, the problem of the disappearing people and the grandfather paradox weighed heavily on her shoulders. But she was also worried about Allison. Something had shifted in her friend. Last night Nova saw a new side of the woman. This version of Allison was raw, furious, and dangerous.

Not only was Nova worried about Allison but she was worried about Five. Her boyfriend had been gone for too long. She was worried he and Lila had killed each other. She was worried the Commission had gotten to him. Honestly, Nova didn't think Herb or Dottie would do anything to hurt Five but the boy had lots of enemies that still worked there. For all, she knew there could have been another coup.

"What's going on?" Allison asked as the two of them walked up to Diego, Luther, and Viktor.

"Oh my God! He got you too?" Luther exclaimed when he saw the bruises and cuts on Allison's face.

"You ok?" Allison asked Viktor who also had a nasty cut on his face.

"Great. You?" Viktor responded.

"Never better." Allison nodded.

Cheekily Diego smirked angling his head down so everyone could see the nasty red cuts and rash on the back of his neck. Before anyone could say anything else a familiar bright blue light blinded them. A small wave of relief washed over Nova as she recognized the light was coming from a time portal. Lila and Five came crashing through the portal smashing the wooden cabinet below.

Shadows & Mirrors  // f.hargreeves fanficWhere stories live. Discover now