:::: Fifty ::::

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Five had taken them to the roof. His back rested against the side of the roof as Nova leaned back against him. They were both sitting on the concrete floor. Nova's head was resting on Five's shoulder as she gazed up at the swirling orange sky above them. There was something beautiful and entrancing about how the Kugelblizt swallowed the universe whole.

"So, Luther and Sloane, when did that happen?" Nova asked softly.

"I don't even know. I don't really care. I'm just glad he's done pinning over Allison," Five sighed in response.

"Oh, yeah, ugh, don't remind me about that," Nova groaned in disgust.

"I honestly, can't believe they're getting married at a time like this, though. I mean, there's no legal system left and no one who's ordained so it's not actually going to mean anything," Five rambled.

"I don't know, I think it's kind of sweet," Nova shrugged as she glanced up at her boyfriend. "I get that there's no legality to it, but we have only a few days left before the universe disappears forever. Out of everything they could spend their time doing it's very sweet that they want to spend their last moments together."

"Maybe we should get married," Five said. Nova quickly sat up and stared at him with alarmingly wide eyes.

"What?" Nova responded in a flabbergasted tone.

"It's like you said, we only have a few days left and all I want to do is spend it with you," Five shrugged as a frown formed on his face. "Do you not want to be with me?"

"Of course I do! How could you even think otherwise?" Nova asked appalled. "Five, mi amorcito, I love you with all of my heart, and I hope you know that."

"But you don't want to marry me?" Five asked confused.

"I would marry you in a heartbeat. But this is Luther and Sloane's big day. It would be selfish of us to take the attention away from them," Nova explained but Five still had that kicked-puppy look on his face. With a sigh, Nova caressed the side of his face before she placed a soft and loving kiss on his lips quickly. "If we had more time I would do it all with you. When I was stuck in the 60s for those three years all I dreamt about was having a future with you. I could imagine us doing it right this time. We had a second chance at life and I wanted to spend every moment of it with you. I still do. I don't care about what happens in the coming days I just want to be with you. Our relationship is so much more than labels. You hold the key to my heart, Five, and all that matters is you know that."

"Nove, you are the star at the center of my universe. You were the supernova that exploded into my life in the brightest way possible," Five said softly as he pulled the girl back into his embrace. Her legs went around his hips and her arms hooked behind his neck. As he spoke a few tears escaped from the corners of her eyes. Softly his thumbs followed the wet trail before wiping the tears away. "I don't need to marry you if that's not what you want. I already know what you mean to me. You are the reason my heart still beats. You're the reason I keep fighting so hard against the apocalypse...I actually have a confession to make...Honestly, I should have told you sooner but I was scared that you would hate me."

"Five, you're starting to worry me. What did you do?" Nova asked worriedly.

Nova had no idea what he possibly could have done that he thought he needed to hide from her. Her emotions were running wild. She didn't understand why her boyfriend was still keeping secrets. But his beautiful words still tore straight through her chest. At the moment Nova felt like her emotions were playing tug of war. She felt like her soul was naked on this roof under the orange sky. If anyone else were there to see this kind of vulnerability from the girl she would have been mortified. But this was Five. He had always held the key to her heart. He was the one she could never seem to keep her walls up around.

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