:::: Sixty-One ::::

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The elevator bell chimed and the doors slid open. Nova wasn't sure how she ended up in said elevator but it really didn't matter. The color had returned to Five's face and his arm was back securely around her waist. Having him alive and by her side was all she could ask for. Although, the elevator was cramped and the girl was starting to feel slightly claustrophobic.

Five was one of the first to step into the strange courtyard. Nova was still tucked tightly to his side. They had been through enough recently. The couple was done taking chances. The courtyard reminded her of the one at the Umbrella Academy but if it was combined with her favorite greenhouse. In the center was a bust of Sir Reginald Hargreeves presented on a pedestal with six pathways extending in different directions. Lush green trees were planted in between.

"Obsidian Memorial Park, graciously donated by Sir Reginald Hargreeves this first day of October 1989," Nova read the plack beneath the bust with a scoff. "Hey, Five, can you believe this shit?"

"Luther?" Viktor gasped before Five could respond to his girlfriend's remark. "Luther!"

They all turned and were surprised to see their formerly deceased friend standing before them. But the fact that he was standing and breathing wasn't the biggest shock that the group was met with. It seemed Luther had returned to his normal body. He looked exactly the same as they all remembered him, that is before Hargreeves had spliced his DNA with that of an ape's.

"Oh shit, you can see me?" Luther asked excitedly as he took in all of the flabbergasted faces.

"Yes! Yes!" Viktor confirmed before jumping into his brother's arms excitedly for a hug.

"I'm alive! I'm alive!" Luther exclaimed.

"Wooo, Luther's alive! Yeah!" Klaus cheered while applauding the man's return.

"Oh, my God!" Lila laughed.

"That's not all, big guy," Viktor grinned as he took in Luther's physique. When Luther glanced down at himself his eyes nearly bugged out of his skull.

"Whoa! Oh shit, my body!" Luther chuckled as he examined his torso and his arms, "Damn, I look amazing."

"Luther's all svelte now," Klaus commented.

As Nova watched she felt Five wraps both arms around her and pull her into his chest. Confused she furrowed her eyebrows and glanced down at the arms that were holding her. A laugh of disbelief and surprise bubbled past her lips when she realized her hand rested above both of Five's.

"What's wrong?" Five asked when he noticed Nova's mood shift.

"You've got your arm back, amor, and you didn't even realize it," Nova laughed as she grabbed his new hand and brought it up to her lips. More giggles of happiness came out of her as she watched starstruck while she pressed her lips to the back of his new hand.

"Holy shit, my arm is back!" The boy exclaimed happily. His eyes were alight and he quickly used both of his arms to lift Nova. Pure laughter bubbled past her lips following her squeal of surprise when he spun her around.

"W-wait, where's Sloane?" Luther asked in confusion glancing around the group. With a frown, Five placed Nova back on her feet and both of their eyes searched for the missing woman.

"Oh, she was, uh...She was right behind me..." Klaus trailed off in confusion.

"When Allison hit the bloody button," Lila finished for the man.

"Allison's gone too," Diego interjected.

"And Manuela," Nova chimed in.

"You know, I don't know about you guys, but I have not felt this good in years," Klaus commented as the group began to slowly look around once more.

Shadows & Mirrors  // f.hargreeves fanficWhere stories live. Discover now