:::: Fifty-Three ::::

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After Viktor got up from their table Nova dragged Five over to sit with Diego, Lila, and Klaus at their table. The boy had complained but Nova insisted they spend some of the little time they had left with their family. As soon as the two sat down Sir Reginald Hargreeves was lightly tapping his butter knife against his champagne glass.

"I know it is customary, for the father of the bride, to make a toast..." Hargreeves began once he had everyone's full attention. Well, at least part of most of their attention.

"What is he doing?" Nova asked the table quietly.

"I think he's giving a toast," Lila shrugged in her sarcastic manner.

"Well, no shit Sherlock," Nova muttered as she rolled her eyes. When she turned her attention back to the floor Hargreeves was now talking about Sloane.

"...Ever since you were a little girl. I've always known you were exceptionally bright. And though I can't say I know Luther all that well, from the few moments we have shared, it seems you found yourself an adequate partner..." Hargreaves continued his speech.

"He just called Luther adequate," Five snickered before he took another drink from his glass of wine.

"Keep laughing, Portal Boy. How about we get married and see how Reginald really feels about you," Nova joked with a smirk on her face. Five only rolled his eyes at his girlfriend. Clearly, he was not amused by her antics.

"You know what, it's probably the nicest thing Dad's ever said to him," Diego replied. "Nicer, than what he said to you back in sixty-three."

"Ooh, what did he say to her in sixty-three?" Lila asked eagerly for the drama.

"None of your business, Lila," Nova snapped under her breath before turning her attention back to Diego and saying, "If my memory serves me right, Hargreeves only said those things to me because I was defending you."

"I mean you did say that he radiated pure little dick energy," Five pointed out and Nova glared at her boyfriend quickly.

"No way you really said that!" Lila cackled as she wiped a tear from her eye, "That's bloody brilliant. I'm going to use that from now on."

"Guys, shhh, Dad's still giving his speech," Klaus shushed the group.

"Jesus Christ, why is he still talking?" Nova muttered under her breath. Although her comment wasn't aimed at anyone in particular.

"...I acknowledge that, as a father, I was not without my faults. I hope these shortcomings will be seen as only a rough patch on an otherwise verdant lawn..." Hargreeves continued with his speech, "...Even those whom I raised in a revenant version of myself. I hope that tonight we can create a few special memories in whatever precious little time we have left. I would now like to recite a poem that has been on my mind recently..."

"He's reciting poetry now?" Diego scoffed as he gave the group one of his signature get-a-load-of-this-guy looks. As Hargreeves began to recite his poem the group couldn't help but notice Allison making a swift exit.

"The sun rises over a lily's field.

A mother veiled, her lips concealed.

The mourners come in droves of black

to bury what their hearts unpack.

With shallow breath and time eclipsed,

I pray you miss death's gentle kiss,"

Hargreeves finished reciting. Once he was done he raised his glass in a toast. Hesitantly the others in the room did the same. That is until Klaus rose to his feet and dramatically began to applaud.

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