:::: Twenty ::::

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As Nova and Five walked down the street Nova lit a cigarette to which Five just rolled his eyes. He wanted to say something but knew she would just yell at him. Plus he didn't know where Klaus and Allison were and Nova seemingly did.

"I'm sorry for punching you in the nose yesterday," Nova said as they walked down the street. Five was pleasantly surprised to hear her apologize even though it wasn't necessary in his opinion.

"I deserved it. I abandoned you in 1960 alone with no resources. Have you been living on the streets this whole time?" Five asked her and the girl got a faraway look in her eyes. Those eyes held a dark pain that he wished he could take away.

"Yeah, I was physically sixteen but mentally I felt like it too. There's nothing that can slash down someone's confidence than being a young homeless girl in 1960s racist Dallas, Texas. I was alone for six months before I met Ronnie. Having him around less drunk white men tried to mess with me." Nova said quietly as she hugged her arms to her chest.

"I wish I was there for you." Five responded as his heart broke for the girl he loved.

"There's no point in dwelling on what we can't change." She said quietly as they finally reached Allison's house. Nova knocked on the door but no one answered so she walked over to the potted plant on the porch and pulled out the key to the front door.

When the pair entered the house they found Allison and Klaus leaning against the refrigerator drunk out of their minds even though it was only 10:30 in the morning. Klaus noticed Nova first and he stumbled over and pulled her a hug.

"Novie, I missed you so much. The ghost cowboy is being mean to me." Klaus mumbled and she could smell the alcohol on his breath. When Nova turned to see what cowboy he was talking about she saw Ben with a cowboy hat on causing her to laugh.

"Poor baby. Come on let's get you some coffee and tacos 'cause we're going to an Academy meeting." Nova says and Klaus sighed.

"Fine let me find my clothes," Klaus grumbled as he stumbled to go find his shirt.

"Oh my god, Five it's been so long." Allison cried as she hugged Five.

"Hey, Allison." Five said awkwardly patting her back and Nova quickly intervened. She knew Five wasn't a very touchy kind of person.

"Allison why don't you freshen up before we go," Nova suggested and Allison frowned.

"I just want to hug my little brother." Allison pouted.

"Don't take it personally, you know Five doesn't like hugs." Nova reasoned.

"But he hugs you." Allison slurred and Nova blushed under Allison's stare.

"That's different," Nova mumbled.

"How?" Allison asked and the two teens blushed under her drunken confusion.

"It's different cause Nova's my girlfriend." Five mumbled and Nova looked at him with wide eyes as Allison awes in excitement.

"Awe, that's so cute!" Allison clapped her hands and bounced on the balls of her feet.

"What's so exciting?" Klaus asked as he came back into the room wearing a plain black tee shirt.

"Nova and Five are dating." Allison cooed as she leaned on Klaus.

"Were they not already like an item? Wait what about that other kid, Ronnie?" Klaus asked and Nova could see Five roll his eyes.

"Ronnie and I never dated or anything like that," Nova said quickly the blush still prominent across her cheeks.

Shadows & Mirrors  // f.hargreeves fanficWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt