:::: Twenty-Two ::::

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Nova made her way back to Elliott's apartment while Klaus went to face his cult, Allison went to go be honest with her husband, and Vanya went to profess her love to a farm girl. When Nova got back to Elliott's all the Academy members were gone. But Elliott and Ronnie were playing chutes and ladders.

"Where is everybody?" Nova asked and the two guys just shrugged.

"Where have you been?" Ronnie asked as Nova made a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich in the kitchen. She hates to admit this, especially to Five, but these sandwiches aren't as bad as she always judged them to be.

"I had a meeting to attend to and then I was at a hair salon with Vanya, Klaus, and Allison," Nova said as she sat down next to Ronnie.

"Is the world really going to end in a few days?" Ronnie asked and Nova shrugged.

"The last time this happened to us I had seen the aftermath. This time I haven't seen the aftermath but I trust Five more than I trust anyone else. If he says he saw the apocalypse then he saw it." Nova said.

"What does it feel like to be dead?" Elliott asked and Nova froze as she remembered the awful experience that was dying.

"The process of dying is the worst part. The first time I remember dying I don't remember after. I wasn't dead long enough to experience anything since it was on an operating table. But the second time I remember feeling like I was moving through honey. Everything was dark and I could hear Five talking to me but I had no control over my body. I also talked to Hargreeves because at the time he was dead." Nova explained.

"Interesting so there's no after life?" Elliott asked.

"I don't know because I never passed on when you die your soul leaves your body. I'm not sure if you can choose to pass on or become a ghost. But when I die my soul doesn't ever leave my body." Nova tried to explain and Elliott nodded thoughtfully.

"Oh, this letter came. I'm assuming it's for you." Ronnie said as he handed Nova an envelope. When she opened the letter it read:

To my pursuers,

I, Reginald Hargreves,

request the pleasure of your

for a light supper on

the 20th of November,

at half past seven o'clock.

1624 Magnolia Street

Dallas, Texas

"Shit, it's six o'clock!" Nova said as she stood up to leave.

"You might want to change. Your clothes were covered in blood." Ronnie said and Nova glanced down. Sure enough, her striped turtleneck was covered in blood and the black bell bottoms she wore were torn.

"Good call, thanks, Ronnie!" Nova exclaimed as she gave the boy a hug.

The girl went into the back room and quickly pulled out her green and white skirt with a matching green sweater. Underneath she wore a white button-up so that the color stuck out. When she looked into the mirror she grimaced at the bruises on her face and the matted blood in her hair. She knew if she showed up to dinner with Sir Reginald Hargeeves looking like this he would never take her seriously.

Nova quickly showered and used the makeup Allison went out and bought her to cover up her bruises. Just for fun, the girl did some green eyeshadow, some popping black eyeliner, and a very sixties-style mascara. Once she dried her hair she tied them into two pigtails and tied on her white headband.

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