:::: Twenty-Seven ::::

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When they got back to Elliott's Nova quickly showered. The young girl felt disgusting having sweated all day through her clothes. Now that her past self was in 2019 the paradox psychosis was starting to fade. After she showered Nova put on a long flowy orange skirt and a denim blue crop top. She decided to go with light airy clothes since she had been sweaty and hot all day.

"Klaus? What's wrong?" Nova asked when she walked into Elliott's bedroom and saw the man laying on the bed looking lost.

"I think Ben's gone." He said quietly and Nova frowned as she sat down next to him.

"What do you mean he's gone?" She asked. This was something the girl couldn't wrap her head around. Nova had just gotten Ben back after all these years. He couldn't just be gone could he?

"This morning he was here and he helped us save Vanya but now he's gone," Klaus said in a distraught voice. "Novie, you know I love you but I just want to be alone right now."

"Of course, Klaus. I'm here if you need to talk." The girl said quietly as she gave his hand a squeeze.

"Thanks, Novie," Klaus said with tears in his eyes as Nova left the room. She made her way to the tv downstairs where the rest of the siblings were now crowded around. The girl wrapped her arms around Five's arm and rested her head on his upper arm.

"What are you guys watching?" Nova asked as the commercials played.

"News coverage." Five answered as he looked down at the girl before placing a kiss on the top of her head. "You look nice."

"Shhh it's back on," Luther said.

"The authorities are asking for help identifying several persons of interest in Dealey Plaza at the time of the assassination. The FBI believes that they may have been acting in concert with the alleged shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald. Vanya Hargreeves, is wanted in connection with the deaths of several FBI agents inside the federal building at Dealey Plaza. Two Cuban exiles, a father and daughter duo known only as Diego and Gen. Diego recently escaped from the Holbrook Sanitarium. Gen is wanted in connection with multiple murders and burglaries..." The newscaster says.

"Cuban?" Diego asked in disgust.

"Wait they think that fool is my dad?" Nova scoffed.

"You'd be lucky to have a dad like me." Diego teased and Nova stuck her tongue out at him.

"... A bare knuckle-boxer with suspected mafia ties who fights under the alias King Kong. Allison Chestnut, a negro radical responsible for organizing and instigating the recent riots at Stadler's lunch counter. And finally, Klaus, a controversial cult leader, and known tax evader. The FBI is asking the public to be on the lookout for this unidentified boy, who they believe is being held hostage by the suspected terrorist network." The newscaster continued.

"Hold on a second they think I'm a murderer and Five is a hostage?" Nova scoffed in disbelief and Five shrugged.

"Well it's true you have killed people and most days I do feel like I'm being held hostage." Five said and Nova hit him on the chest while rolling her eyes.

"How did they even get that photo?" Diego asked referring to the photo of him and Nova talking at the Mexican consulate.

"They're saying I instigated that riot? That's unbelievable." Allison scoffed.

"Well let's look at the good news. We restored the timeline and we stopped doomsday." Luther said with a smile. Nova wasn't so sure though this all seemed too easy.

"Yeah, a bunch of real goddamn heroes. We let Kennedy die." Diego muttered.

"And we're now officially the most wanted people in the world. The FBI is after us, the Dallas police, the secret service. It's only a matter of time before they hunt us down here." Allison added.

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