Fighting Samurais

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Allison opened the door to a room

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Allison opened the door to a room. She walked in first, going towards the two windows in the room. Five, Viktor, and I followed after her. I glanced inside the lit lamps, not really knowing what to look for.

"Someone went through a lot of trouble to hide this thing." Allison stated, opening a wardrobe.

"How big is it supposed to be?" Viktor asked.

"You know, dear old Reg didn't say." Allison looked through the wardrobe.

"Really? Hm. That's surprising." Five had his hands in his pockets as he strolled towards our sister. "I figured you'd know more about his plan."

"Sorry," Allison turned to face him, "what's that supposed to mean?"

"I saw you and him in the White Buffalo Suite during the wedding." Five informed her.

"I don't know if now's the right time-"

"Viktor, if not now then when?" I raised a brow at him.

"You know, I heard that you blacked out last night." Allison placed her hands in her pockets.

"I did, and it took me a while to remember what I saw, but I do remember, Allison. You and Dad made some kind of deal." Five pointed at her. Allison chuckled. Five walked up to her. "What did you agree to?"

"A deal?" Allison repeated.

"Mm-hmm." Five gave a nod.

"With Dad? Please tell me you're joking." Allison inquired.

"With the way you've been behaving recently, I believe it's in your ballpark." I crossed my arms.

"He's not." Viktor glanced at the floor momentarily before looking at Allison.

Allison scoffed, turning to face him.

"Answer the question." Five demanded.

"You're out of your mind." Allison shot back.

"You and Dad made a deal, now Luther is dead." Five noted, eyeing Allison down to see if she will break.

"Okay." Allison chuckled out. She pointed towards the hallway. "Luther was killed by whatever the hell that thing is."

"And Klaus?" Five pressed on.

"He didn't make it into the tunnel." Allison pointed out.

"You know, your deal is costing people their lives." Five informed her.

"Do you really think that I made a deal with Dad to kill Luther and Klaus?" Allison looked between the three of us in disbelief.

"Maybe not kill them, but you definitely made a deal with him." I tilted my head at her.

Allison read our expressions. Her eyes widened as she realized Five and Viktor believed the deal she made with Dad was about killing off Luther and Klaus.

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