Ghost Talk

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"Why the hell haven't you told me?" I glared at Klaus

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"Why the hell haven't you told me?" I glared at Klaus. Tears were stinging my eyes as my heart ached.

We were in my room, the alleyway no place to talk about ghosts. I was pacing while Klaus laid on top of my bed.

"You never asked." Klaus threw my pillow into the air and caught it when it fell. I stopped and narrowed my eyes at him. Groaning, Klaus sat up and tossed my pillow behind him. "Okay, so maybe there has been some...complications."

"Complications?" I crossed my arms.

"Yup!" Klaus nodded, popping the 'p'. "You see, Ben wants to say hi and I want him to shut up. Complication."

"That's not complicated at all." I rolled my eyes. Klaus only hummed in response. "Why don't you want us to talk?"

"If you haven't realized yet, you're not over the fact that he's dead. You haven't even had a conversation with him and you're already crying." Klaus pointed out. I quickly wiped away the tears from my cheeks. "I'm not going to let a Maybe Ben hurt your feelings."

"Well, is Ben here now?" I licked my lips.

"Maybe." Klaus shrugged with a mischievous smirk. "Maybe not."

"I'll tear up your teddy bear and flush the stash of emergency drugs down the toilet." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You monster!" Klaus gasped dramatically. He flung a hand to his chest.


"Yes. Yeah. He's here." Klaus pointed to the spot next to him. I looked at the spot he pointed to and gave Ben a smile. "He's been so annoying! 'Don't do that, Klaus. Don't do this, Klaus. Tell Tamela I love her.' Blah, blah, blah. It's tiring, really. How did you put up with him again?"

"More like how did we put up with you?" I quirked an eyebrow. My heart still clenching from the three words Klaus informed Ben told him. Klaus waved a hand of dismissal. "Why haven't you told everyone else?"

"Maybe because they think I'm going crazy and would lie about talking to Ben?" Klaus tilted his head to the side.

"You are crazy." I grinned.

"Ugh, even when one of you is dead you both still do that. Creepy!" Klaus sang the last word.

"Whatever." I laughed, shaking my head.

"Tam?" Allison poked her head into my room. She looked at Klaus and I with furrowed brows.


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