Chapter 18: Chaos XYZ Change! Light of Hope: Hope Ray!

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"Simple, Can you feel the heat?" I ask in a vague response as I keep my gaze on my two brother's struggle.


"So you mean this is just an AR-Ura?" Tokunosuke questions me.

"Correct" I say with a nod

"Great then to summarize we can get out of here!" Takashi says as he goes to jump off the pillar we're on before I grab him by the scruff of his shirt.

"Hold it." I scold him, "Just because the lava isn't real doesn't mean the fall is."

"So what you're saying is we're stuck here until Yuma wins." Kotori points out.

I nod and grip her hand. "We just gotta have faith." I say turning my attention back to the duel.

"Now, kneel before my master, Kaito-sama!" Jin says boastfully before telling Yuma he ends his turn.

Yuma gives a tch before looking over at the orb showing all of us, "Ven, Everyone." He hisses out

"Yuma." Kotori mutters in worry for our friend.

"It'll be alright." I say putting a hand on her shoulder, "Yuma's a tough one."

Kotori nods, "Yeah." She says with a cheerful smile.

"I'll save them for sure!" Yuma mutters to himself,

"Please, everyone will..." I hear Cathy mutter softly.

"Astral, oi Astral!" Yuma calls out to Astral, I notice Astral is spacing out.

"What's wrong with Astral?" Kotori questions

I look at Astral, "Fear." I tell her bluntly

Kotori gives a nod of understanding.

"What are you daydreaming about!?" Yuma yells at Astral once he has Astral's attention again.

"If you're not gonna do anything, get lost!" Yuma tells Astral as he looks at his hand.

"Yuma, you have no monsters in your hand, and due to Shock Ruler's effect you can't use Traps." Astral points out to Yuma. "If you don't draw a monster card on this draw, we will..." He says trailing off

"That's why I'll get a monster!" Yuma says as he places his hand on his deck, "My Turn, Draw!" he yells out as he draws his card. Before looking at it, "Alright, I got a Monster Card." He cheers before stopping short and looking at it. "Kuribolt?" he questions.

"Kuribolt?" I question, "So he drew the card I gave him." I comment

"He only has 300 attack points!" Yuma comments.

"That Monster is..." I hear Astral comment before floating closer to Yuma, "Yuma, summon that Kuribolt!" he tells Yuma.

"This weak monster?" Yuma questions.

"Just summon it already!" Astral orders Yuma.

"It seems like Astral can see it." I comment.

"I got it." Yuma bites at Astral giving him a face, "I summon Kuribolt!" he says placing the Monster onto his D-Pad. The Kuri monster appears and gives off some bolts of lightning while chirping out Kuri Kuri. (Kuribolt, Level 1, 300 Atk)

"This is good." Astral tells Yuma. "By detaching the Overlay Units currently on the field, Kuribolt can Special Summon Kuribolt Tokens on your field." He explains to Yuma. "Currently on the field, Shock Ruler's Overlay Units are 2."

"That's right." Yuma says in realization. "I activate Kuribolt's effect!" he announces throwing his hand out, "Kuribolt will multiply itself by 2 equal to Shock Ruler's Overlay Units!" he explains as Kuribolt launches an electrical rope at Shock Ruler and pulls it's overlay units to itself.

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