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The car ride to the hotel was quiet, the hum of the radio set me off to a much needed slumber.

I was waken up to Jeff slamming his door shut, and walking to my side to open the door for me.
"Come on." Was all that was heard from him before he pulled me out.

We walked to the hotel doors, dodging the bullets of rain.

Once we reached the front desk, I went quiet once more.

"you will be staying in room #250 on the third floor, enjoy your stay." The receptionist said while giving me and Jeff a smile.

We had drove about thirty more minutes to the nearest city and found a pretty nice hotel in the outskirts of town.

"Can you carry this?" I asked Jeff, although there wasn't alot of stuff in the duffle bag it was still pretty heavy. "Sure" Jeff replied glancing at me, then grabbing the bag from my hands. We walked silently through the halls, sometimes taking the stairs.

Pushing through the door of the stairs that led to the third floor, A tangy scent hit my nose. Very strong, marijuana. For some reason there was always that smell and I hated it, I covered my nose with my hand/sleeve and kept on looking forward.

Jeff then noticed and grabbed my hand, pulling me faster with him.

"248, 249... 250." I muttered under my breath, counting the doors was always a habit. But a good one I may say.

I went to slide the card into the slit, praying it to be green and not red.


Thank God.

"Welp, it looks pretty nice." Jeff said while walking into the room, setting the duffle bag on the desk next to the bed. The walls were a dark red, and the beds were white. Like a dark aesthetic, I liked that.

I walked over to the bed and plopped down, kicking my sandals/boots/shoes off and them landing near the door.

I looked around the room and took in the air conditioned breeze, I felt safe.. relieved really.

Jeff got done walking the room looking for cameras, paranoid fuck. Then made his way over to me, he just stood there and stared at me. I looked away and saw the remote on the same desk the T.V was on. Hopefully they have some good channels.

"Why aren't your scared of me?" Jeff muttered, he was asking himself that more than me. He then tilted his head and continued thinking, then walking away to the bathroom.

What am I doing here, I could run and get the police and be safe. I'm old enough to be taking care of myself surely. I sat there in thought, staring at the smoothly painted red wall.

"I'm going out to... Do my own stuff." I heard a raspy voice say near the door, I looked over to see Jeff about to go out. He had a white sweatshirt on except it was clean, and skinny jeans. Damn when will you get out that phase, I mean it ain't a phase it's life.

"Okay, just when you get back don't make alot of noise. And don't leave me." I asked him, I felt exhausted from the long drive and day.

"Yup, there will be screaming like hell once I get back." Jeff said smiling, then opened the door and left. The screaming like hell part that wasn't going to be his made me a bit worried.

He's the manipulative killer, your the hurt victim that needs love.

Maybe if I go to sleep I will stop thinking, I crawled up the bed at slid off my jeans/shorts/leggings then slid under the blankets. Curling up in a ball and slipping off to dream land.

Jeffs POV

How is she so calm about me leaving?

I could run and never come back.

I could kill her in her sleep.

Actually that's not a bad idea... It will be quick and better for the both of us.


I walked down the side of a not to busy street, looking at the signs around me and the amount of people my age, I could tell there was a night club near here. Perfect spot.

Walking a few more blocks I found my destination, some young adults hung outside of the club while others were heading in and out.

I crossed the street, feeling my heart leap with excitement. They look like normal people but they're people, they deserve to bleed.

Soon I was greeted with a man outside of the night club, giving him a small gesture with my head, he just nodded and looked forward again at the other people making sure they weren't making any trouble. Little did he know trouble just swept past his shoulder, entering his castle.

As soon as I enter the club music blasts in my ears, it would be so fun being here with... Friends. Me and BEN went to a party once, but It ended with me fucking it up and killing the host. So now he goes to party's alone or with glitchy red.

I watch over the dozens of people, soon I come across a women sitting alone at the bar. Perfect.

Walking over to the table I feel a smile creep up on my face. This one could be y/n's, I could get her jealous and then the bitch would be in shreds with her blood on the queen's hands.

I sit next to her on a tall steal stool, ordering a shot. I told myself I wouldn't bring my habit back, but I'm a lier. Even to myself.

"Can I get you a drink, dear?" I ask the women, she has brown hair. Her skin an olive color, to be honest she was really attractive. She looked up to me and smiled, "yea thanks, by the way." Her mood instantly changed.

Me and her spent awhile talking, mostly about "at home" problems as she put it. She had no children but her fiancee was cheating on her, and supposedly that led her to being here, I didn't bother learning her name sense I would be putting her to sleep soon. At least I will be able to make her life worth living, Just not in this one.

"Would you like to come back to my hotel room? It's not that far. I understand if not because like I could be a scary serial killer." I laughed, she's drunk out of her mind. "Yes, I would like that." She slurred out, tracing shapes on my chest.

I grabbed her hand and led her out, gesturing to the man again on the way out. It would've been fun if I brought y/n, oh well.

We walked silently through the night, her tripping ever so often on her heals. I soon stopped, and so did she. "It's a shame, I really liked you. But to bad I really am a big scary serial killer." I sighed, she just looked at me. She started to back up on the side walk.

"A-are you going to... Rape me?!" She asked quietly, that question honestly surprised me.

"Oh honey, I may be shallow but I'm not that shallow... actually I am but all I wanna do is rip out your organs and have them for dinner." I laughed, walking up to her. She still stayed in place, shocked.

I pulled my knife out of my back pocket, pointing the dull handle piece towards her head. Then carrying out with it jabbing her by her temples a few times, then she gave up and passed out. That went on with me picking her up and swinging her over my shoulder.

Y/n's going to love her.

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