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It was about six in the morning and no one was awake, so that gave me the chance to go back to the second level of the hotel and slip into Jeffs room.

I quietly shut the door behind myself, the result of the room caught be off gaurd of how destroyed it was. My bare feet walked over chunks of glass and stuffing that was once inside the bed, when I turned the corner in to the bathroom Jeff was layed in the bath tub with blood surrounding him, blood lined his wrists making my jaw drop and tears threaten to fall.

"Jeff?" I whispered, my feet took me faster to his body. My legs collapsed by the side of the tub as I checked his wrists wiping the blood onto myself, it looked as  if he tried to finish himself off, but the sight of his face and the drugs surrounding the tub made my heart sink to my stomach.

Memories of mom, passed out on the bathroom floor flooded my mind, Her sprawled out over my bed while blood dripped from her nose. "Jeff?!" I whispered a bit louder, shoving his hair out of his face as I felt warm tears fall down mine. "You can't! You can't die!" I whimpered, leaning over the tub and held his head to my chest while I rocked back and fourth unsteady.

His blood quickly dried on my hands, my stomach dropped into a bottomless pit where my life had been thrown into.

"Ha! Gotcha!" I heard a raspy voice cheer from below me, I slowly pulled away and saw Jeff's tired eyes looking up at mine with a wide smile on his face. I instantly pushed him away as I stood up, backed away against the wall.

"You thought I died, dumb bitch! I can't die with the weak shit, cocaine don't do anything. Plus, the blood is from me having my own little temper tantrum, don't worry about it doll." Jeff smiled, sitting up in a tub as his hands smeared fresh blood on the tub.

I looked at him with a plain face, he was high last night. He had that rush and almost OD'd, if it wasn't for his inhumane abilities I would've found his corpse a few seconds ago. "Wasn't that funny Y/n?! Your face was unbelievable!" He cackled, holding his stomach as if he said the funniest joke ever.

"I thought you died." I let out a shaky breath, trying my best to hold back more tears. "I can't die Y/n, only if I bleed out yeah but still." He sighed as he caught his breath, clearly the substance took a tole on his body and mind. I raised my hand over my mouth and wiped away the snot and tears, my body still shaky.

"Don't do that shit again." I managed to say without breaking, I wanted to turn and leave but I couldn't. Jeff tilted his head and chuckled, his eyes twinkled of something new as he stepped out of the tub towards me.

His hand cupped my cheek while his eyes gazed into mine, a slight grin displayed on his face.
"You actually care about me, y/n." He sighed, he sounded as if he was relieved. "Why wouldn't I?" I suddenly broke down sobbing, my head layed against his chest as if it weighed a million pounds.

Jeff kept his grip on my cheek, his other hand slowly rubbed my back trying to comfort me.
"You actually love me." Jeff muttered under his breath, I could almost hear the joy in his voice.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here to comfort you last night, they wouldn't let me see you." I choked out, thankful that he was alive.

"That's the only reason why I did it darling, was so time would hurry up and I could have your beautiful body with mine and gaze into your eyes." Jeff whispered, picking me up and carried me out of the room to the messy bed.

The ground was layered with glass, but bed was sort of clean. Jeff crawled on top of me, our lips connected as his hands slipped off my shirt.
My hands became tangled in his hair, my hunger for his touch finally getting filled. Our tongues danced together in a just right rhythm, his hands massaged my breasts.

He draws his victims in with charm.

The voice made my heart skip a beat, it was right.
Jeff would only be doing this if he wanted something, Right? What would he want?

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