Twisted Carnival.

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Jeffs POV


Y/n took off running to the south and I ran to climb the oak tree I had eyed during the situation, the sticks and vines on the oak dug into my skin making me wince at the pain. Eventually I had made it up to a decent part of the tree, I could see the ground and above the tree. I kept my eyes glued on the ground, wendigos can't climb... Right? Otherwise I am complete dumbass.

I didn't see the Wendigo come near the tree and assumed it was hiding out waiting for me to come down, except when I heard a scream. Usually screams bring a smile on my face but the thought of who It came from made my blood run cold.
Y/n is just a mortal... Why do I care for her?!
She will leave me. She doesn't love me she is just faking it because she doesn't want to get her ass killed.

"No, she loves and needs me." I whispered to my self, pulling my hair back I quickly put it into a bun so I could see my surroundings better. The scream y/n let out wasn't a scared one but one trying to get the Wendigos attention, was she trying to save my ass? In the distance I could hear loud whistling noises coming from y/n's direction, all I could tell that it was pissed.

The urge to go down and save her kept on tugging on my soul, but doesn't the thing she have a demon? Basically the same thing as a wendigo so can't it just fight the thing off? Whatever situation happens I just hope the outcome isn't her death.

I sat in the tree for awhile hearing the loud cussing and whistling along with the Wendigo mimicking people's voices die down, otherwise they were getting far away. Y/n should be able to find the tunnel, otherwise she will just fall in it.

Your POV

My heart was beating faster than I ever thought it could, the Wendigo was right on my ass and it was using all four legs chasing me. The screeching coming from the demon almost made me think my ear drums would pop, but they didn't.

I could see a well like structure in the distance, is that the whole Jeff was talking about?! My legs took me faster and faster towards the safe spot but then I felt myself fling forward and fall to the ground, it felt as if I twisted my ankle when I tripped the object. I kept "eye contact" with the creature, it stood there enjoying my suffering.
My arms taking me backwards towards the well, making sure I had my eyes on the demon the whole time.

I'm bored... I wanna have some fun.

It felt as if something else took control of my body and pushed me back inside my head to watch the upcoming events, I swear to God if this demon gets me killed I'm haunting it in the after life and going to annoy the shit out of it.

No way in hell are you doing that, because as long as your my host we're not dying.

My ankle didn't hurt anymore and then my arms pushed me up, I got into a stance showing that I was going to stand me ground no matter what.
The Wendigo tilted it's head, making a weird clicking noise. "C'mon bitch, you wanted a fight. Right?" I spoke, the words intoxicated and tasting sour in my mouth. The Wendigos ears went backwards and it made a threatening screech, and stepped backwards. "Nice seeing 'ya Tom, kinda sucks you had to die and be one of those ass holes" I chuckled, still alarmed and standing straighter to warn the demon off. The Wendigo took one last glance and then got on its all fours, running away into the woods.

I fell to my knees, feeling myself come back into control. "Holy shit." I gasped, feeling my face and hands. I was alive, and that's all that mattered.
I then stood up on my wobbly knees and looked behind me at the well, taking more steps towards it  I looked down, further you looked down the more color it gained. Maybe this was a way to Jack's carnival. Out of nowhere and not thinking I jumped.

The farther and farther I got from the surface the more colors I saw and the more trippy the tunnel became, I started to notice that my clothes we now replaced by a f/c laced dress with dress shoes and black heels. This shit was starting to remind me of Alice and Wonderland, the further I fell the closer I came to carnival music. Soon I felt my self falling through a white cloud, looking down I was going to be in a carnival. It was night time and to be honest it was peaceful, but the closer I came to the ground the better I could see the rides, they looked pretty twisted.

My body softly hit the ground, I could see people walking around in bloody clothing and some having candy falling out of their bodies. Walking through crowds of people they didn't smell, but the place reeked of screams of joy and the smell of sweets. Soon I came across a giant circus tent, I could hear Jack yelling in the tent, using his low showman voice he used when doing a trick Infront of Sally.

Making my way through the curtains I walked along the bleachers and walked up to a free seat next to a couple of kids. "Tonight ladies and gentlemen I will be showing many tricks! And we have a guest it seems." Jack shouted, twisting his cane in his hands. Then walking towards the bleachers I was in, he picked up his cane and pointed it at me. "C'mon dear, I heard you were a dancer! Let's see if I can gain your talent!" Jack chirped, who the fuck said I was a dancer? Yea sometimes with my grandfather but otherwise no.

I sat up from my seat, pushing my dress down.
My heels clacking against the wood as a walked down the ramp. Soon my soft/rough hand met with Jack's silky black glove, And with that he smiled while walking me to the center of the ring.

Cheers and shouts came from the audience, making my heart skip a beat. "You will do lovely my dear, Let's do our best because we wouldn't want to make the audience disappointed now would we?" Jack whispered while bending down to my height, I shook my head 'yes' in reply while getting into position.
Although I didn't know what the fuck I was doing I felt that I would do fine if I followed Jack's steps,
An old song came up over the circus tent and the lights dimmed.

Jack suddenly grabbed my hand and put his left hand around my waist, and with that we took off.
We ended up doing an oldie dance, thankfully my grandpa taught me. Suddenly Jack raised me up and threw me in the air, looking down he disappeared into a black cloud which made my eyes open as I could feel myself falling down.
I soon felt two claw like hands wrap around my hips and pull me up, looking to my savior it was Jack. He then switched to grabbing me by my hands as I realized he was upside down on one of those trapeze thingies, "one...two...three." Jack worded with his mouth, what the hell his he going to do?! I felt him suddenly let go of my palms and let me fall. Looking up he landed on the right rope and I felt the air on my back as I fell  backwards with my dress going up, I suddenly heard a splash and realized I was in a thick red liquid.

I felt my dress fall apart, making me try keeping it on under the crimson blood. Soon I realized I had a suit under neath it and while doing so I quickly realized there was a platform raising me up out of the pool, quickly getting into a position like how I saw the beautiful women in the circus pose. I rose my arms above my head and made a heart with my fingers, then crossed my legs and stood on my tippy toes making me look taller. Once I felt the cold air hit my skin I heard the addicting sound of applause and clapping, making me smile. Opening my eyes I looked down at the suit, kind of like Harley Quinn's old out fit in the old cartoon.

"And there your have it folks! The (CP name)!" Jack cheered, the (CP name). That shit sounds cool as fuck, maybe save that for later. I could feel my heart pumping in my chest, making my smile grow. Looking in the crowd there were so much smiles and cheering, then I came across a black haired man with a blood stained hoodie. Jeff.

Soon the lights came on and people cleared out of the bleachers, then leaving me and Jack along with Jeff. Jumping down from the platform I landed in Jack's arms, looking up to him with his giant smile. Setting me down I took a sigh, probably the best shit that has happened so far.

"Didn't know I dated a circus performer." Jeff chuckled while walking up to me and Jack, the word dated made my heart flutter. It was weird, but it felt good to have someone that loved and cared about you. "Yea, she's real good. Might need to just steal her from ya next time, the kids love her." Jack giggled, then walked towards the back of the tent and dipping into a little office area.

"Let's go, I'm hungry as fuck." Jeff sighed, pulling  his hand out of his pocket and grabbing my hand.
It's weird, these people could be sadistic and twisted but yet their normal.

Or maybe I'm like them, and their my normal.

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