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"Thanks Smiley, hopefully I don't see you soon." Jeff grumbled as we walked out of the doctors room. Hatred was spreading in my head and heart towards the man walking besides me, I could feel that his energy wasn't warm or welcoming towards me but it was cold and a 'get the fuck away' one...Or that was mine towards him most likely.

Being in the elevator together was the worse part, the little girl inside me wanted to apologize but for what?! In this world I was alone now. All my family and friends were dead beside him.

Jeff had his hands in his hoodie, His eyes searching the elevator but never landed on me. I was twirling the used cigarette in my hand, then my eyes made me glance over at the smiling murderer, his black hair falling over his face but he didn't seem bothered from it.

I felt cold, and hard. I didn't wanna be here.

Soon I felt something warm touch my pinkie, I looked over to Jeff but he was looking forwards. My eyes looked down to my hand and Jeff was trying to hold mine, like we would. I wanted to hold his hand, so badly my heart screamed for his touch.

Instead I just put my hand in my back pocket and sighed, with him shifting his weight onto his other
Leg. This man was hurt, that was obvious.

But so was I.

We both continued to walk out of the hospital and down the side walk of the busy street, alive and breathing of marijuana and alcohol. I was always the first person to talk, that never went well for me.

"Jeff, I don't know. The shit you pulled honestly surprised me, but also made me think. I have thoughts of doing the most violent shit to you and oh how I wish I could do it but I hold it together, and I expect you to hold some respect for me and do the same for me." I growl, watching the cars fly by us in the road.

"Okay mom." Jeff muttered, glancing at the women we walked passed. All thrown away from the world and being used for their bodies, they are quite beautiful. Their personalities shine once you get to know them, but either way their seen as the scum of the world. These are the kind of women Jeff go after. Not tonight.

I'm the victim.

While walking my eyes start showing their true emotions, letting their words fall out for me.
My heart felt as if someone was using their hands and ripping it to shreds, leaving the body they survived in empty. Leaving the soul to rot in the costume of skin.

I feel as if I'm going to collapse, my head feels 'loose'. In the corners of my eyes I see shadows staring at me. Little fucking gremlins crawling across the side walk. That's weird.

Once we reached the hotel police were there, Jeff freezed but continued walking when we realized it wasn't us. Someone had took their night off not us, but the curiosity gets to my head and I go up to an officer. "Hey, what happened?" I asked concerned. The man turns around "A boy jumped, from the building next to this." He replied, while I look in the middle of the crowd. Where the guy earlier would've fallen if he didn't fly up, but he did.

The boys head was bleeding, he had blonde hair and he looked like the man I met earlier with wings. Was I hallucinating?!

"Oh... That's sad." I frowned, then walk away to Jeff who was waiting by the doors. Once I reached him we walked in and headed to our room.

~time skip

"Fuck'n A" Jeff muttered as we walked into our room, But the chair wasn't blocking the door... And the room would've been a mess, and the duffle bag was still sitting on the table still.

He did it as an excuse to kill you. Jane was never here.

Wait... What? So that means.


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