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Your POV

The bed sheets feel so cold on my body, but it's comforting. My h/c hair sprawled out across the bed as if it was rose vines climbing to find something to take over.

I watched my stomach fall up and down, the vision in my left eye isn't the best. I don't feel bad right now, I feel free and happy.

I look over to Jeff sitting on the chair in the corner of the room by the window, He keeps his eyes watching outside of the glass. I wonder what he's thinking about, why does he seem so stressed?

There's silence in the room, but soon we're both going to suffacte due to our thoughts crowding the area and leaving no space for air. "What's wrong Jeff?" I ask while sitting up, I keep my eyes on him. Watching his body movements silently.

"Hm?" He asks changing his position in the leather chair, he obviously heard me the first time. But now his attention is on me.

"What are you thinking about? You seem stressed." I repeated, Why was I asking this? When did I ever care about his emotions. Usually it ended up with him in rage. "Just stuff, you don't have to worry. You will know soon." Jeff sighed, then looking back out of the window.

That worried me, he never told me stuff but my gut felt tight. He's planning something with something or someone. In a situation like this with a serial killer, would you run and tell staff? If this was happening to you wouldn't you be scared? Because I am.

I pushed myself off the bed and walked to the T.V stand, grabbing the remote and powering on the Television. Then sitting back down on the edge of the bed, what shows are on at this time? I went through the channels and soon I found (fav show), perfect.

~time skip~

"I'm going to go down to the lobby and look around, stay here." Jeff said while walking to the door, grabbing our key on the desk.

"Okay." I reply while getting up and walking to the bathroom. Once I close the bathroom door I also hear the hotel room door close shut.

After I'm done with my business I go to open the door and reach for the metal handle, but then I hear two voices in our room. Jeff took the keys so who the hell would be in here?! I slide my hand into my pants/sweater pocket and find my pocket knife.

I lean onto the door and put my ear against it, listening to voices conversation. "They were staying in this hotel room. They have to be here somewhere." I gruff male voice spoke, are they looking for us?! "It looks like they're out, the cards gone. But y/n's shoes/boots/sandals are still here. She's hiding." I light male voice spoke, his tone getting quieter when they realized I was hiding.

The bathroom doors handle soon jiggles as one of them try to get in, causing me to jump backwards. 'shit they definitely heard that'. "Y/n, it's okay we know your in there." The lighter male voice spoke. I recognized that voice.


Toby... Tobias.... Wait yeah.

I stayed silent, not wanting to risk anything because they're killers for gods sake.

So are you.

No! I did it for... Self defense.

Yea okay, whatever. Open the door.


"Y/n open the damn door, Or you will have to pay for damages if we have to break it." The gruff voice stated, Wait I know who that is. Tim... Hopefully it's not Masky.

"I'm not paying for shit bitch!" I yelled back at them, my hands getting sweaty with the pocket knife about to slip out of my grasp.

"Okay that's fine, just please come out." Toby spoke, I bet this is how they kill. Trying to be caring but then they strike. I sigh, I'm not staying here forever so I guess I will open the door.

I go to turn the handle, it's freezing body touching my warm palms. I turn it and fling it open, then step back with the knife pointed ahead of me. Tim has his mask on, shit.

Toby is wearing his usual and is standing near the bed, while Masky stands Infront of the door. I could tell he was staring at me, as if into my God damn soul. He motions his hand for me to come out, and I do so not wanting to get hit with his crow bar. That shit hurts.

I step out and walk towards the window, Then lean against the wall next to it. "What are you two doing here." I sneer, glaring at Masky. "We had to make sure our fellow proxy didn't get hurt." Toby stated, standing up straight. This guy was taller than Tim. That's funny.

"What the hell do you mean, proxy. I'm not a damn proxy, and why would I get hurt? Oh maybe because I'm with a bipolar fucking serial killer." I growl sarcastically, shifting my weight to my left leg.

"Did I really hit you that hard? Damn. Your one of the Slenderman's proxies. Plus Jeff was planning to kill you off, finish what he started I guess." Masky replied, turning around and looking through some of our stuff. Wait... Jeff was going to kill me? How the hell did I not expect that? He should be a actor.

"So... What am I supposed to do?" I ask Toby, walking over and sitting on the bed. If I'm one of them doesn't that mean they can't kill me? Well at least that's six killers off my back that can't turn on me. "Stick with him, don't get killed. Keep on tricking him like you have been, then last second show the bitch who you really are." Toby says, inspecting a painting. The hell does he mean who I really am?

"What do you mean?" I question Toby, looking back over to him. "You have a possession, before I did what I did an entity latched onto you to help you. I don't know why, but Slenderman thinks that will be good for missions" Masky replied instead of Toby, Then turned around to face me.

What does he mean possession? When was I possessed?!

He's talking about me, I was going to give you a surprise about that but the asshole spoiled the surprise.

Damn thought you were just a voice in my head, Or I had D.I.D.

"So, act natural when Jeff comes back. Then when he tries to finish you off let the thing take over, that shit sounds weird... Anyways let your true killer come out." Toby muttered, then heading to the door. With masky following behind him.

Leaving me by myself in the empty room, that's cool I guess. Having another soul or thing Inside of me, but I could never bring myself to kill someone. The last time wasn't even me it was the thing. Jeff's been faking the whole time, he never liked me. "I'm fucking stupid, killers can't feel that kind of shit. And it's just for manipulation, God y/n we already knew this! How could we let him trick us?" I question myself, then fall backwards on the bed. I quickly grab a pillow and slap it over my face , squeezing the fabric so hard my fingers feel numb.

I'm stupid, I don't know what love is

I don't know what any emotion is or how to take it

That now makes me the numb killer

So numb.

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