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Jeffs POV

I look at the girl Infront of me, she's beautiful, caring and most of all is just like me. She understands me!

Y/n stepped away from the dead body, doing her little ritual. She looked at the other side of the bed as if someone was standing there, A smile spread on her lips due to it and waved, then walked over to me.

"Can we go? I wanna get back so we don't worry the others." Y/n sighed, looking up at me and then walked towards the window. "Yea, I want to stop at the store though." I responded, following behind her as she climbed out of the window.

On the way back to the van I made sure that she was in my grip, I couldn't have her running away from me. By how much the sun was up I could tell it was seven in the morning, it would only take an hour to get to town. Once the van came into view y/n let go of my hand and started jogging towards it, I soon cought up with her but once she opened her door she fell backwards with a gasp.

"What the fuck!" She shrieked, quickly I opened my door to see what she was looking at and it was only L.J and BEN. "What? It's just the two homosexuals." I chuckled, getting into my side and sliding the keys into the slot.

Y/n cautiously got up and walked towards the van, looking in to check that it was them two and then got in while closing her door. "I swear to God there was someone else." She whispered under her breath, ah yes. The medication I had been slipping her made us seem less threatening, the pills might be waring off. "We are not homosexuals! BEN maybe... But sure as hell not me." Jack growled, locking eyes with me in the rear view mirror. "Yea whatever clown man." I mumbled, then pulled off the side of the road and continued north towards town.

"Why are we going to town?" BEN asked, looking up from his phone. "Food." I responded, looking over at y/n. Her h/c hair blocked most of her face, but her e/c eyes always stood out. She caught me staring, causing me to quickly look away and at the road. "So... What are you two doing?" Y/n asked, turning around in her seat and looked back at the two. I felt my heart start racing, my hand reached out towards y/n and landed on her left thigh, squeezing it made my heart slow down in it's pace. "Bored." Jack groaned, unwrapping a Lollie and sticking it into y/n's mouth catching her off guard. "The fuck is it with you shoving shit into people's mouths without them consenting?" Y/n growled, pulling out the f/c Lollie pop and inspecting it. Wait, when the hell does he put shit into her mouth?! That comment making me step on the gas in anger.

"Woah there buddy, you be sticking shit into y/n's mouth?" BEN chuckled, looking into the rear view mirror at me and biting his bottom lip. "And yet Jeffy boy hasn't even had that opportunity." He muttered, going back to his phone. "What's wrong with that? She just wanted candy." Jack said, raising his eye brow trying to put two and two together. He's a complete dumbass. "There's surten slang today L.J, don't worry about it big boy." Y/n sighed, leaning back on the dash board.

"Slang? I haven't heard that kind of it. Is kissing a frowned upon gesture too?" Jack asked once more, where the fuck did he get kissing from?
"I- um people who are together kiss, like me and Jeff." Y/n stuttered, using her hands as a explanation. "But me and you aren't together." Jack responded, tilting his head. "Yes that's right Jack, so just stop it." Y/n hissed, narrowing her eyes at him. "Wait wh- oh! Yes, yes we aren't." Jack smiled, leaning back against the seat.

That shit is hella suspicious, but y/n wouldn't be doing shit with a damn clown.

"Yup, so kissing on the cheek is our gesture. But that means we aren't together, only Jeff can kiss me on the lips or anywhere else on my body." Y/n smiled, winking at me. "I get it now, that makes sense." Jack agreed, I swear I'm going to beat this bitch of a clown once y/n is away. "Anywhere?" I asked, looking over at y/n with a grin.
"Sure." She sighed, looking out of the window.

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