
40 2 0

August, 12th 2019

This morning was the usual routine, Masky gets pissed off at someone and Hoodie just sits at the desk doing paper work. Kate slept in on the bed, now she's somewhere in the woods hunting with smile and Grinny, Toby and Jeff went scouting around the land. Right now I'm near the cabin, sitting at the bottom of an old willow tree.

This morning it was a relaxing kind of cloudy out, now it's just really sunny and humid. I decided to wear a f/c tank top and Jeans/shorts, I chose not to wear shoes sense I was planning on going down to the creek in a bit.

The rough bark scratched my back many times, sometimes I would find little insects crawling on me which I let them do so.

Looking up through the little patches of the tree I saw the sun was going down, maybe it was around three in the afternoon. I decided to get up and head out towards the stream that wasn't to far away, grabbing my pocket knife out of my pants pocket incase I ran into anything or anyone.

The Forest floor felt soft on my feet, there was a bit of a breeze which helped my nerves calm down. If I listened closely, I could hear running water ahead of me so I took that as a sign. My feet quickened my pace towards the stream, I could see the light of the sun reflecting off of it.

Once I reached the running water I sat down on a mossy patch near the edge, letting my feet get tickled by the strong movement of the stream.
I closed my eyes, listening to the wildlife.

"Hello?" I heard a woman's voice ask Infront of me, making my eyes flash open and put my pocket knife directly Infront of myself towards the intruder. The woman had long red hair, A cottage core attire and pretty white dress. She was bare foot as well, ankle bracelets along with many rings and a basket with a variety of different berries. "I-im sorry, if you don't mind me to sit here. It's awfully hot out." She chuckled, sitting down across from me ignoring my knife.

Why isn't she scared of me?

I slowly brought the knife back to my side, setting it down on the moss besides me. "What is such a young girl doing out here?" She asked, her eyes scanning over my scars. I didn't respond, my eyes layed on the berries that made my stomach growl. "Do you want some dear? You look hungry." She sighed, handing me a bach of wild grapes. Quickly grabbing one off of the vine I popped it into my mouth, feeling the sour juice spread on my tongue. "What's your name?" She asked, looking up from her basket. I hesitated, should I tell this woman? She could call the police...

"Y-y/n, don't tell anyone." I whispered, my voice cracking. She looked confused at first, then her face lit up. "I have seen you in the papers, your family was... You were... How?" She asked herself, a worried expression washed over her face.

"The papers said you died in the hospital, but the town knew they were covering it up. Most people assumed they took you." She whispered, looking around the woods as if someone was watching us.
So I was originally put in the hospital, but the proxies came and got me? "Oh..." I replied, squishing a grape in-between my fingers.

"They have you don't they? You should come with me honey. These woods have creatures that are demonic... You would be safer with me." The lady whispered, taking my hand. "It would risk your life, but... Sure." I managed to get out, I was still trying to add up how they got me out of the hospital. I stood up, her taking my hand and we walked across the stream. I had agreed, my pocket knife by my side and her basket by hers.

Was I really doing this?

I felt as if we were getting watched, well of course we were. They must've found me already.

We soon came up to a young oak tree where there was a black haired woman sitting underneath it, at first I thought it was Jane but she had blue eyes and a brown dress. "This is my wife." The red head spoke, tightening her grip on my hand. My heart began to beat even more, I would be putting them in danger for this.

The black haired girl looked up from her book at her lover, then looked up at me and smiled. "Hello." She waved, and then went back to her book. The red head sat down next to her wife,  I still stood watching the trees around us. I could almost hear their breathing, they were getting ready to strike.

"Y/n, why don't you sit down?" The red head asked, looking at me concerned. My head quickly turned to the flash of black that ran from one far off tree to another, my eyes widened. "Run." I whispered, keeping my eyes on the tree the person was hiding behind. "What?" The black haired woman asked, her voice showing fear.

"Run! Go to your cabin and lock the doors!" I whispered/yelled, Locking my eyes on the figure that came out to be Eyeless Jack that hid behind the tree. He didn't seem human, almost rabid. "Y/n?! What!" The red head screeched, quickly grabbing her wives hand and pulling her up. She then quickly put the book and berries into her basket, the two looked around trying to see what I saw.

"Y/n come with us! You will be safe!" The red head spoke, grabbing my hand. Suddenly there was a loud bang, something rush past my head causing my right ear to begin to bleed.

Blood splattered on my face and clothes, the woman's grip on my hand loosened.

They found us.

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