。 ゚ Proxy Blood 。 ゚

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This is where the chapters start getting good.


Your POV

We pulled into the opening with a bit of trees surrounding a giant worn out manner, outside I could see a little girl outside playing with a black and red husky. For a moment they looked normal, but the dog turned to look at the Van and it had a large smile on its face, almost like Jeff's.

Parking into the barn I quickly jumped out of the car to be met with Sally, her pink blood stained dress reaching down to her knees. Her unbrushed hair was up in a high bun. "Y/n! Your back!" Sally squeeled, running up and climbing into my arms.

I carried her out of the shed and out to the daylight with Jeff, being met with a brown haired man with a yellow blood stained hoodie. "Surprised to see you didn't crash the damn car." The man huffed, catching the keys Jeff threw at him. The man then looked at me, and smiled. "So once you get set in the boss wants to see you, it will be nice working with you and being able to talk with you again." The man smiled, shaking my hand.

That carried on with us four walking to the mansion with the dog running to the door and waiting for us to let him in. "Their back!!!" Sally cheered while jumping out of my arms once we got inside. BEN was sitting on the couch with L.J chewing on some candy, and in the kitchen I could hear some people yelling among them selves. And I decided to go see what they were yelling about.

Walking Into the older modeled room there sat Masky...Tim. A slight wave of fear went over myself, and apparently it was visible because the boy with orange goggles glared at Tim. "Come and sit with us." The boy said, pointing to the chair next to him. And I did what I was told.
Tim watched me the whole time, making me wrap my arms around my stomach. "Nice to have ya back punk." A masked women sighed while playfully punching my shoulder, who were these people? I looked out the window sitting above the sink seeing my reflection with a confused expression.

I took a seat next to the boy and the masked girl, feeling Tims stare practically stab me repeatedly in my soul.
"It's nice to meet you two." I smiled awkwardly, crossing my legs on the wooden chair. "What? Oh...yes my name's Kate, a fellow proxy of yours." I could hear the sadness in her rough voice. "Toby, and same with Kate." Toby added onto Kate's statement with a smile.
"It's good to see you again too." Tim suddenly said, sitting up straight in his chair giving me a smile. These were the people I would be working with, my apparent new family. "I have to go talk with the boss." I sigh, standing up out of my chair and head out of the kitchen. Hearing a few whispers escape from the people I left in the kitchen.

BEN waves at me while I go in and out of the living room heading to the stairs, but then run into a pink haired girl, cuts in her face worse than Jeff's.
"Oh hey y/n! If you forgot my name it's Nina, I'm your best friend too" Nina giggled, patting me on the head while walking away. A smile came onto my face when I felt a connection with her, along with the other people here.

Going up the steps keeping my eyes on my boots/sandals/shoes I bumped into someone's chest, quickly looking up it was L.J. and the sneaky fucker had a toothy smile spread out on his face.
"Why hello there, y/n." A deep voice lingered out of his mouth, I stepped to the side trying to go around him but then he placed his arm out to his left stopping me in my tracks. "Hello Jack." I growl, looking up to the crazed clown. "There ya go! Good girl." He cheered, then carrying on down the stairs.

Then keeping my head straight so I didn't run into anyone else, it's crazy how these things act so normal. Well I guess they are crazy so it shouldn't surprise me.

While walking down the painted red hall I felt someones arm come around my waste, causing me to quickly take out my pocket knife and push the person to my right against the chipped wall, holding the blade to the person neck.

Something in my brain started blinking, powering on and alerting a memory.

Only to find Jeff, staring down on me with a wide grin on his face, "see you have learned from me, doll." He purred, raising up his finger and resting it against the point of the knife and pushing it away.

"Well, I wouldn't let anyone in this God damn hell hole do that shit with me... Who knows how many perverted fucks are in this place." I sneer, pushing away from him and continue down the hall. Jeffs footsteps carrying behind me with each step of his boots stomping against the stained carpet.

"Your in a pissy mood I see." Jeff grumbled, I could imagine him rolling his eyes at his own little remark. "No, just busy." I reply, cleaning the grime and dirt from under my nails with my f/c blade.
"The people here like you, they think you will fit in." Jeff randomly says, walking to the left of me.
"What makes you say that?" I ask, glancing over at the smiling man. "I have just heard the proxies talking, and other people. At first they thought you were soft, but when they saw your little fit when you woke up they knew you were strong." Jeff sighed, sliding his hands into his front pockets.

"That's good, I guess." I murmur back, stopping at the tall wooden door sitting in front of me.
I feel chills run down my spine, I can't be scared otherwise he will just feed off of it. I clip my pocket knife back so the blade isn't out and slide it into my hoodie/pants pocket, taking a deep breath I knock on the door three times.




"Come in." A loud static like voice boomed in my head, taking that as a sign I glanced over at Jeff who was leaned on the wall. Then pushed against the wooden door, getting ready to see the monstrosity soon to be Infront of me.

Once I open the door, I quickly turn around and shut it quickly not wanting to anger the creature.
When I looked back at it I saw it having it's hands folded on the fine polished wooden desk, 'staring' at me. "Hello sir." I boldy state, standing up straight and folding my arms behind my back.

"Your break from here must've been well, assuming you got a head start on killing." The Slenderman sighed in my head, his aurora being tired and stressed out. But it was still bold and fearful. I shook my head 'yes' in response and smiled at the creature. "Well, sense that went well." The creature once again sighed, reaching down into his desk and pulled out a (your choice of small weapon.) The weapon laying on the table in between us.

The air in the dark room seeming stale, our energies fighting against one another.

"Welcome back, my proxy."

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