Sugar Kisses.

47 0 1

Sixty-nine teehee.


"Fuck'n A." I heard someone sigh from besides me, the weight in the bed shifted due to their presence. Suddenly a plastic object hit my face making me shoot up in the bed, realizing Jeff threw the sugar cookie case at me.

"Thanks." I muttered, grabbing the box and looked over at Jeff who was leaned up against the head board while browsing through the T.V channels. "I swear to God if they don't have the game on here I'm going to lose it." He muttered under his breath, once he landed on the assumed channel he took a large sigh and slumped back more in the bed.

It appeared to be a football game, I didn't recognize the teams but the red ones were winning and apparently Jeff wanted that team to win. "Who-" he cut me off from my question and layed his palm over my lips, giving me a side glare. We stayed like that for ten minutes untill the red team beat the other one sending Jeff flying off of the bed and cheering, stomping the ground.

"HAHA FUCK YOU BRIAN!!! SUCK MY FUCKING MAN TITS HAHA!!" He shouted, flipping off the floor. Okay yeah at first I knew he was crazy, but not 'football dad' crazy because that's just fucking scary. "OH SUCK MY COCK!" Someone yelled from below us, most likely Brian. "SEE MASKY I TOLD YA THEY WOULD FUCKING WIN!!!! BITC- OW YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" Toby yelled from below us, most likely resulted in him getting smacked by Tim.

"You guys are fucking crazy." I muttered, slumped against the head board while stuffing my face with the cookies. "What? Whenever we have missions together we bet on random shit and this time I won! Now those fuck nuts can stop rambling on about how I killed that lady for the bet!" Jeff cheered, he seemed genuinely happy? Oh no, it just added more to his Narcissistic trait.

"Thats...Cool." I smiled, looking over at Jeff.
His face went from pissed to amused, sending him into a laughing fit. "Clean....your *laughter* face..." He managed to get out, holding his stomach from how violent the fit got. I raised my hand up to my mouth and felt crumbs and frosting around it, leading my hand to wiping the crumbs off on my hand. "Better?" I hissed, not amused with his behavior.

Jeff didn't seem to like my tone towards him, he was left in a few giggles once he began making his way over to me. "You eat like a pig, wouldn't surprise me sense you also look like one." He stated, practically standing over me on the side of the bed. My slowly pulled the cookie away from my mouth, surprised in what he said.

I hadn't ate anything in a week besides a pack of candy, sometimes gummy worms from Laughing Jack. This bitch was really telling me I was a pig, when I was just a slender teenager. My thighs and arms were the only healthy looking part of my body, but yet I was still unhealthy and my body looked as if you could snap me in half.

"Yeah and? You can't fucking say I look like a damn pig when I'm literally skin and bone Jeffery! And if you couldn't tell but I don't fucking eat! Get your head out of your ass and oh, I don't know, realize that I'm a human so I kinda have to eat." I growled, closing the box of cookies and faced Jeff to see his true reaction.

Jeffs face lost all emotion, but his eyes stayed glued on my body. This sent chills down my spine, I had woken up in the middle of the night to Jeff sleeping and his eyes looking at me which really creeped me out, but now that he was doing it intentionally really fuckin creeped me out.

"You really have a lot of courage in your weak little self, don't you Y/n?" Jeff asked, tilting his head while his smile stretches causing blood to rush down to his chin. "I lost that along time ago Jeff, it's just common sense." I muttered, turning around to go to the door only to get my hair yanked backwards, my body landing on the mattress. Jeff pinned me to the bed, his rigid breaths hitting my face, the blood from his cut landing on my cheek causing me to shrivel up my nose in disgust.

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