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Thanks for reading! A few things before you begin:
y/n = your name
f/c = favourite colour
h/c = hair colour
e/c = eye colour
f/s = favourite song
You are about 16-17 years old in the story. Enjoy !

The massive evergreen trees towered over you as you walked down the dirt path towards the Mystery Shack.

You had been living in Gravity Falls for a while now, almost two years. You'd gotten a job at the Mystery Shack after becoming best friends with Dipper Pines and his sister, Mabel. You knew about the strange occurances in Gravity Falls and about Dipper's journal. Usually you helped the twins solve mysteries and went exploring with them.

The sun was rising slowly over the roof of the shack and you could hear birds chirping above. This place was perfect. You were truly happy living here.

You opened the creaky wooden door to the Mystery Shack and was immediately greeted by Wendy, a redhead who worked the cash register. "'Sup?" She smiled, and you grinned, stuffing your purse underneath the counter. "Where's Dipper and Mabel?" you ask and as if on cue the twins ran into the room.

"Y/n!" Mabel cheered and slammed into you, giving you one of her death hugs. You laughed and politely hugged her back before she finally let you go. "Whoa, Mabel, don't kill y/n," Dipper laughed and you smiled. Dipper was your best friend, he was really nice and smart and an amazing explorer and mystery solver.

Suddenly, Stan walked into the room, putting on his fez. "Alright kids!" He shouted, "let's get this place cleaned up before the customers come!" He turned towards you. "Y/n! Help Soos clean!"

You put your head down in a nod and smiled. "Will do." Stan smiled, "heh. Nice kid. You got manners. Unlike these two," he stuck a thumb in the direction of Dipper and Mabel, who were in the middle of doing weird faces to imitate their great uncle. You put a hand over your mouth to hold back a giggle and then went over to Soos to begin cleaning.

As you sprayed some dust cleaner on the surface of one of the shelves, you began scrubbing, listening to your f/s from your earbuds. You hummed along, closing your eyes and enjoying the music. But then there was a glitching sound. It rung in your ears and you winced from the sound.

You quickly take your phone out of your pocket and pressed the top button to turn on the screen. You typed in your password and the phone unlocked. It didn't show the normal home screen though, it was pitch black and had glitching lines appearing and disappearing across it. Then white words began moving across the screen: I am watching you.

You were hit with fear and hurriedly you turned off your phone just to turn it back on again. You typed in your 4-digit password and it unlocked, showing...the normal homescreen. You shook your head, confused and scared, but shrugged it off as nothing.

"Dude," Soos called from the other side of the shelf. "You done cleaning that yet?"

"In a minute," you replied, voice shaking much less than you thought it would, "I still have to do the one over there." You pointed at the smaller shelf by Stan's favourite chair. Soos nodded and went out of the room to get more cleaner. You walked to the small shelf, spraying the surface and rubbing the rag across the top. You were so busy wondering about the message on your phone that you almost didn't notice when Dipper and Mabel asked you to go exploring in the forest with them.


Kind of a short chapter, I know. But Bill is coming in the next chapter, don't worry! The lemon won't be for another few chapters but I'll let you know when its' coming so you can skip it...if smut isn't your thing.
Thanks for reading!
Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!

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