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Hi! I have only a week of school left and then I'll be updating almsot every day...
In other news I've been listening to In A Week by Hozier like nonstop it's a really good song so check it out if you want :)
I'll try to make this chapter as long as possible, please enjoy!

You hadn't kept track of time and by the time you were done working and cleaning the Mystery Shack it was nearly ten thirty. "Crap it's late," you cursed under your breath and stuffed the broom into a nearby supply closet. Mabel was sitting in the corner in a large reading chair, skimming through a magazine. Dipper sat in another chair next to hers, reading the journal.

"I need to get going," you said quickly, reaching for your purse. Mabel suddenly stood up, eyes wide. "Y/n, you should totally sleep over! It's too late to be walking home alone anyway not to mention the storm!" She was right, you could hear thunder in the horizon and there was definetely rain pounding on the roof and window glass. "She's right," you heard Dipper add, his eyes still glued to the journal, "especially with the stone." You sighed and pulled out your cell phone, dialing your apartment's home phone number. Within seconds it picked up and you heard Bill's voice on the other end. It was filled with static, since Bill made electronics go weird and glitchy. "Hi," you spoke into the phone, "it's really late and Mabel invited me to stay over. Can you manage alone for a few hours?"

"Why couldn't I?" Bill said and you could just imagine the smirk on his face as he added, "see you in the morning y/n." You hung up and gave Mabel a thumbs-up sign. She cheered and squeezed you into a hug, sending you into a fit of laughter.

Before long you were sitting on the floor of Mabel's bedroom, looking through her old yearbooks. It seemed odd that a school yearbook would be something she brought on summer holiday. "That's Dipper in first grade," Mabel giggled, pointing at a scrawny kid with choppy hair who was blinking in the photo. You laughed and tuned the book so Dipper could see it from the opposite side of the room. "Love to hair, Dipper," you teased and he blushed. "Mabel!" He yelled at his sister but it just encouraged her laughter. Waddles the pig oinked and hopped off of her lap to cuddle up against you. "You both look really cute," you said, flipping through more pages. "Yeah, and we were always in the same class! Dipper was always the smart one, but I raised my hand more," Mabel said with a smile.

"You mean talk without permission more," Dipper said and Mabel shook her head. "Did not!"

"Did too."


"Did too," Dipper said sternly, snapping the journal closed so that the covers made a small banging sound. "It's midnight guys, should we get some sleep?" Mabel switched off the light and dropped a thick blanket and pillow off the edge of the bed for you. You thanked her and set up a makeshift sleeping bag, getting under the blanket fold and laying there for a while until you heard Mabel snoring. "Hey y/n," you heard Dipper's voice whisper in the dark. "Yeah?" You asked, propping yourself up on one elbow. "Do you still think Robbie is after the stone?" Dipper asked, yawnig quickly afterwards. You shrugged and sighed in reply. There was a small silence before you added quickly, "I'm not sure who I can trust anymore."

"Y/n, don't freak out but you really just don't understand what I've been through with Bill Cipher," he said and you didn't respond. Another short silence and he continued, taking a deep breath before. "Listen," he said, "you know Gideon Gleeful? He summoned Bill and used him to go into Stan's mind and find the combination to his safe. All in order to get a paper form that gave Gideon the Mystery Shack. And Bill willfully agreed in return for something, we never found out what. Nobody has ever trusted Bill, or even stayed around him as much as you do. I want to apologize for making him stay at your place."

"No problem," you insisted, waving your hands back and forth. Dipper laid his head on the pillow, sighing one long deep sigh. "I just want you to be safe," he said quietly. Neither you nor him said anything and before long Dipper fell soundly asleep. You were extremely tired, but you couldn't rest until you got some answers. Why didn't Dipper trust Bill? Besides what he did, there still was an upside of talking and consorting with him, wasn't there? You snuck out of your blanket set up and tiptoed over to Dipper's bed on the other side of the room, easing the journal carefully out from under his arm. You flipped through the pages, finally finding the one you were looking for. The page on Bill Cipher.

There were what looked like blood splattered across the yellowing pages and messy black ink sketches of Bill in his triangle form, surrounded with words like "dangerous," and "do not summon at all costs." You swallowed and read on, taking in all the information. Who Bill really was, what he had really done. It turned out he wasn't as nice and innocent violence-wise as you thought.

And it scared you.

Thanks for reading! I'm pretty proud of this book so I'm trying to make it as long as possible :)
Some smut/lemon coming up in the next few chapters for your 18th birthday! Since some of you reading are pretty young I'll try to not make it too graphic....
See you then!

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