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Hi everyone! School has been CRAAZYYYY so sorry for not updating sooner. Just a reminder that I don't use Kik anymore so don't try to text me on that, I'll never reply😂
Also: I've made my Instagram public, so feel free to follow me and be my friend! Woop woop! My username is: space.plnts and my side account is: uonkazoo (this one's private but I'll accept all requests)
Thanks for all your comments and reads! This fanfic is ALMOST FINISHED!!!

You felt your eyes start to open and tried your best to quickly take in your surroundings. The sound of yelling and lazer shooting filled the air. Mabel, Dipper, and Ford were shooting beams of light from weird-shaped lazer flashlights, most likely constructed by Ford himself. Bill was shooting back, and it seemed so far like a tie.

"Y/n!" You heard Dipper exclaim as he shot Bill. "One of our lazers must have hit you, and the gold broke! We saved you!"

You glanced at your husband, who now seemed to be struggling. "Stop shooting at him!" you screamed and without thinking, ran in between the two sides. Right as Bill was shooting.

Your scream pierced the air and you heard three collective gasps. Pain struck your left eye and you clutched at the area with your hands. It felt like all the blood rushed to your head and you could feel your pulse right behind the socket. The shooting had ceased but you were kneeling on the floor, sobbing in pain. The feeling was almost unbearable.

"Y/n!" Mabel shouted and you heard footsteps coming towards you. Hands grabbed your back and pulled you up so you could stand. It took all your strength not to fall over because of how much your head hurt. You opened the other eye slowly, hardly able to see through the tears welling up. "Bill," you hissed through closed teeth, "what did you do to me?"

He smirked and snapped his fingers. A mirror appeared in front of you, hovering mid-air. Slowly you moved your shaking, blood-covered hands away from your face and you almost gagged. Your left eyeball had disintegrated and all that was left was a bloody and empty eye socket. You cried harder, ripping a piece of your shirt off to tie around your head diagonally to cover the wound.

"I am so sorry y/n," Ford began but you held up a hand to silence him. This was not the time for an explanation. "How do we fix him?" you asked.

Ford sighed. "The only way to fix him but still have him survive is to trap him inside the dreamscape. This requires somebody to let him in their mind to travel through to the dimension of the dreamscape. This means whoever's mind is used for this...their memory is erased. There's a slight chance it could be restored after a few years or so but even then, not all of it may be retrieved," he explained as quickly as he could.

"Okay," you whispered, "do it."

"But y/n--"

"Do it now!" You shouted over the noise. The music, the screams from outside...Bill was the opposite of what you had known. He had more arms, a glowing eye...his whole being was illuminated and out to kill.

Ford pulled one of the journals, you couldn't tell which, out of his trenchcoat pocket and began reciting words that you didn't understand. He was also holding a strangely familiar stone....

"Y/n don't do this!" you heard Dipper scream. Mabel was crying. Ford continued reading. Your mind was racing, heart pounding. You could barely feel the pain in what once held your eye. Now you only felt pain in your heart. "Alright y/n," Ford said, "you have about ten seconds! I'm...I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

You gave him a forgiving smile and then winked at Dipper. You gave a thumbs-up to Mabel. They were both in tears now, so were you. "We'll take care of you after," Mabel promised, "even if you don't remember us!"

With a nod, you took a deep breath. "BILL!"

He turned to you, smile bright with an almost blinding yellow light. "I love you, I'm sorry," you said, voice just a whisper. The last thing you saw was Bill's smirk falter for a moment and realization come to his eyes.

Then everything was gone.

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