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Hi guys! It seems like FOREVER since the last chapter, thanks for waiting! Also, thank you SO MUCH for all of your votes and comments! I'm going through some tough times right now and your comments always cheer me up :)
So have any of you seen the film Inside Out? I saw it a few days ago in the cinema and it was AMAZING! Once again Disney has surpassed my expectations. If you haven't seen it yet, I HIGHLY recommend it.
Please enjoy this long overdue chapter...

You couldn't remember the last time your head hurt this much. Even sitting up as slowly as possible, a drum-like pulse slammed against your forehead. You groaned and rubbed your temples, trying to stop the room from spinning. How long did you sleep? A few hours? All the lights in the Mystery Shack were off, and the closest clock was in the kitchen.

You willed your legs to stop wobbling as you stood and shakily made your way down the short hall and into the kitchen. The flourescent and surprisingly bright digital clock above the oven didn't help your migrane at all, but at least you now knew what time it was. Five o'clock in the morning.

Figuring everyone else was asleep, back in the lounge you turned on the small TV and switched the channel to the news. The blue and red flash of police cars filled the screen and a reporter wearing way too much makeup was speaking into a microphone. "Last night a teenage boy who calls himself Robbie was driven to jail after being caught with a gun and over twenty swords and pocketknives. Apparently he repeatedly stabbed a man named Bill Cipher and threatened to kill an eighteen year old named f/n l/n. She is fine and the man is currently being treated at the Gravity Falls hospital," the reporter lady said and you quickly turned the screen off. Bill was at the hospital.

You stood once more and fought through your pounding headache. You found some of Dipper's shoes which fit you, just a little big, and took one of Grunkle Stan's large black jackets off the hook on the wall, slipping it over your shoulders. You took a deep breath and opened the front door, stepping out into the darkness and coldness of the night.

The hospital wasn't that far away, so on foot you made it there in about twenty minutes. After checking in you were told to sit in one of the small grey chairs by the front desk and wait for a nurse to escort you to the room where Bill was. Your headache was slowly but surely getting better but your worry wasn't. In the middle of thinking of all the possible negative scenarios that could happen a man in white trousers and top guestured for you to follow him.

Together you walked down the beige and white coloured hallways and went up two flights of stairs before arriving in front of Bill's hospital room. "You want to be alone with him?" The nurse asked. You nodded and he smiled knowingly. "I figured if you came all the way over here at five in the morning you would want to spend quality time with him," he said and closed the door quietly behind you once you had entered.

Not surprisingly Bill was awake and turned his head to look at you when you knelt down beside his hospital bed. There were wires all over, attached to needles in his arms and hands. White cloth bandages were wrapped around his arms, legs, and chest, and one extremely thick yet bloody bandage wrapped at least three times around his head. His eyepatch fit right in. "Y/n," he said and placed a hand on yours.

"Are you...okay?" You asked, knowing of course he wasn't okay, but got a nod in reply. "Listen Bill," you sighed, "I am so sorry. I got you into all of this. You shouldn't have taken the deal. I should've been shot and then none of this would've ever happened, I didn't mean to---"

"No," Bill interrupted, "it's fine. I knew what I was doing. I would die for you y/n, don't question that. I love you."

"Yeah," you sniffed, tears welling up in your eyes, blurring your vision, "but now...I know I shouldn't be saying this Bill, but you...you might die," you burst into tears, not even making the slightest effort to hold back. Bill reached over and kissed your cheek. "I'm not going to die. Don't worry. I won't ever leave you, okay? Trust me," he offered a smile and you felt yourself nod. You trusted Bill, with your life, and knew he could practically see the future, but the future could be changed easily. You wiped away a hot tear that was streaming down your face. "Sorry," you said, "I'm just so worried. I can't loose you, I'm so worried."

"Don't worry y/n," Bill exclaimed, "I promise everything will be fine! Don't cry, please? Oh, y/n don't cry," he wiped your tears away for you and then his own. "Dammit now you have me producing water from my eyes," he grumbled and you smiled a little.

The door opened and it was the same nurse from before, joined by a doctor. "He needs to rest," the nurse announced, "but you're free to visit tomorrow afternoon. He's getting surgery tomorrow, er, this morning."

You nodded and stroked Bill's hair once before he pulled you into a kis that lasted a little too long to be comfortable with others in the room. You whispered, "don't leave me, okay?" and left, waving a bit as you heard his voice follow you as you left;


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