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I've sold my soul to another fandom; Blue Exorcist. It is amazing, I highly recommend it. Rin is my newest fictional husband :D
Hope you enjoy this chapter!
(Also there is some IMPORTANT news in the end author's note!!)

"Would you marry me?"

You stood there for a moment, frozen from shock. You couldn't think, everything seemed to be happening all at once. "Oh. My. God," you whispered, your voice sounding just a bit raspy, again from the sheer unexpectedness of the proposal.

"Well?" Bill asked, looking extremely nervous. You still didn't answer, your mouth was hanging open. He then looked disappointed and began to stand back up. "It's okay...I was just asking. No problem. It's not like I was expecting an immediate yes or anything, I just--"

You shut him up with a kiss, everything finally processing in that brain of yours. "Yes! I will!" You exclaimed and he smirked. "Y/n, you had me seriously worried there," he sighed and you giggled.

"Didn't you know what my answer was going to be? You don't have your powers now but I'm sure you look at the future all the time," you pointed out. He winked at you, then kissed your forehead. "I like surprises, too," he said simply.

You spent the rest of the night doing, erm, stuff....and then in the morning got dressed and ready to go to work. You were super excited to tell your friends about the news, if they weren't going to act as weird as they did yesterday. You got dressed in jeans and f/c flannel shirt, brushed your h/l hair, kissed Bill goodbye, and practically ran to the Mystery Shack.

"Hey y/n!" Mabel cheered as soon as you stepped inside. "Mabel," you said excitedly, "can you tell everyone to come in here? I have an announcement!"

Mabel, Dipper, Soos, Wendy, and Stan all gathered around. "So, Bill proposed last night and we're getting married!" You announced, holding up your hand so they could see the ring. Their reaction was not what you had expected. They all stood there smiling, until Dipper sighed. "Truth is, we knew about it all along."

"I helped plan the ceremony!" Mabel shouted happily.

"I gave him girl advice on how to ask you," Wendy said, pointing to herself.

"Soos and I helped keep it a secret," Dipper smiled.

"And I paid for the ring since that triangle doesn't have any cash!" Stan groaned. You lifted an eyebrow. "You paid for it with your own money?"

"Well....hey! Aren't we off the topic here a little?" Stan yelled, and you laughed. "So you guys knew all along. That's why you were acting so secretive around me yesterday?" You asked and got five nods in return.

Stan gave you the rest of the day off work to plan your wedding. You called Bill to come over since you figured he should be a part of the planning also. Then Dipper, Mabel, you, and Bill sat around the dining table with various paper and pens and began writing down ideas. Halfway through Bill fell asleep, head resting on your shoulder. "Bill," you whispered in his ear, shaking his shoulder a bit, "wake up, we're not done planning."

"Plan without me," Bill moaned, "I need sleep." You smiled and ruffled his hair. "Okay, but we're making all the decisions then," you told him and he nodded. "Fine," he agreed, "I'll like anything you plan."

With that you, Mabel, and Dipper resumed planning your wedding, which was making you more and more excited. Also more and more nervous.

Hi! Hope you liked that chapter! Let me know what you think :)
So the IMPORTANT announcement...I have decided on the names for the Thranduil x Reader and Death the Kid x Reader! Here they are:
--Elven King (Thranduil x Reader)
--Symmetrically (Death the Kid x Reader)
They are NOT out yet, just the covers and titles have been decided on :)
That's all for now! See you guys next chapter.
Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe, is a holorgram, buy gold, bye!

Deal (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now