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I'm trying to update as much as possible, I'm just kind of a slow writer...thanks for reading and enjoy!

"You got a visit from Bill?!" Dipper said, angry. His face screamed annoyed and you took a step back. You had never seen your friend so upset.

"What's wrong with him?" You asked. "I'm sure he's not that bad," you added, remembering he saved your life.

"Bill stole Dipper's body!" Mabel exclaimed, "he ruined my puppet show! He forced Dipper to turn into a sock puppet! He worked with Gideon and tried to destroy our lives! That's what's wrong with him!" She was flinging her arms around. You took a little step back. Wow. Maybe he was as evil as Dipper made him out to be. But if he was so horrible, why did he save her? For the necklace?

Dipper had his hand on his forehead and was taking deep breaths. "Okay, y/n," he said firmly, "what did he say?"

"He asked if I wanted to make a deal. He said he would give me anything I wanted for the citrine stone. I said no, of course," you explained, deciding to leave out the part about how he said he wouldn't quit bothering her until he got what he wanted. You weren't sure if that meant the citrine or something else.

"Y/n, if he bothers you again let us know," Mabel announced, "we'll kick his butt!"

"Yeah, just don't let him get to you," Dipper advised. You thanked them and went back over to the cash register counter where customers were waiting. The whole time you worked you couldn't stop thinking about Bill Cipher. He was so mysterious. He was nice, and you had to admit he liked his sense of humour. Forcing Dipper to be in a sock puppet? That was pretty funny.

"Excuse me?" An old lady asked, snapping you from your thoughts. You apologized and told her the price for her things. "Are you thinking about a boy?" The old woman asked, a smile on her face. You blushed and put both hands up. "Oh no! I, um...well...in a way, I am," you stammered. The lady chuckled. "Don't worry child," she said as she began to hobble away, "some people aren't who they seem."

Some people aren't who they seem?
Then who is Bill really?

Back at your apartment you made sure the string of the necklace was tight and dropped it back down your shirt. Suddenly you felt a strange touch on your shoulder. "So that's where you're hiding it," a familiar echoing voice said, amusement in it's tone. Bill. You jumped, startled, and whirled around to slap him. Your hand just went through his triangular form like he was a ghost. "Whoa, whoa! Calm down there," Bill chuckled, "I just wanted to see if you changed your mind on that deal." You watched as Bill made a long black cane appear and he leaned against it, still floating mid-air.

"No," you said firmly, then your confidence wavered. "Is that all you came here for?"

"Uhh..." Bill said, rubbing the back of his triangle point, "actually no. I came here to see you." You were surprised but tried to keep calm. Why did he want to see you? For the citrine stone? You didn't realize you were staring at Bill until he blinked and you blushed and shifted your gaze away from him. "What are you?" You asked, changing the subject.

"I'm a dream demon," Bill answered proudly, "I know everything about everything. Even you. I can enter dreams, that's how I'm here." You had to admit it, you were impressed. You had no idea what a dream demon was until now, and it sounded amazing. "Also, how can you talk? You have no mouth," you pointed out, "and you look really odd. I mean, you're a triangle."

Bill was studying your face. He was staring at your beautiful e/c eyes, how your h/c hair hung loosely just past your shoulders. Y/n isn't like the other humans, he thought to himself, her soul is so bright and pure...

"I'm a dream demon, we can look as odd as we want. So still no deal?" Bill asked, forcing down his thoughts. You shook your head no and he shrugged. "I'll be back, y/n," he declared and disappeared, the room returning to its regular non-greyscale state.

Deal (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now