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Omg I just need to thank you all for voting and reading this story! I am so surprised its gotten as many reads as it has, thanks so much! And your comments make me laugh and just make my day :) Thanks again and please enjoy! (Don't worry the lemon will come soon *winks*)

It had been a few days since Dipper had warned you about how dangerous Bill Cipher was. You still weren't completely believing him...plus you had feelings for the dream demon. Speaking of, he hadn't developed his powers again, nor gotten anywhere with transportation, so he was still staying at your apartment. Not that you had any complaints. You had had to show him how to work the TV, make his own food, and live on his own while you were at work in the Mystery Shack.

After a long day of work you got home, carefully unlocking the door with your key. You had butterflies in your stomach, which wasn't abnormal lately. Every time you thought of seeing Bill you got nervous, in a good way.

"I'm home," you said as you closed the front door behind you. You heard the TV on in the living room, so you kicked off your Converse and went in. Just as you suspected, he was lying there on the couch, one arm sprawled over the top of the couch and one leg hanging off of it. He looked like he was half asleep. You laughed and walked over, tapping him on the shoulder. "Bill?"

"What?" Bill snapped, then opened his eyes all the way, saw it was you, and his expression softened and a grin stretched across his face. "Home already? I was expecting you to be back in a few years."

"Sorry, we were open an extra hour," you explained and sat next to him as he gathered himself and sat properly. You stared at nothing for a few seconds and then turned to face Bill. To your surprise he had been staring at you, smiling. "What? Bill don't stare at me," you said, suddenly self-concious. You glanced down at yourself, inspecting for anything wrong. Then it hit you. The citrine stone necklace wasn't tucked inside your shirt. You quickly picked it up by the string and dropped it down the front of your t-shirt. Bill shook his head, closing his eyes. "I've seen a lot of things kid," he said, "none of them were as pretty as the sight in front of me right now."

You didn't know what to say. Your hair was a mess and you were sure you had dark circles under your eyes from working at the Mystery Shack such long hours. Maybe he was joking? Still, your heart skipped a beat and your breath got caught in your throat. "Umm...thanks," you stammered and Bill smirked. Neither of you said anything for a while until you saw a crumb in Bill's hair. He really hadn't gotten used to eating, had he? You laughed and picked it out, accidentally sort of rubbing his head with your hand. He jumped in his seat, making you jump. "What's wrong?" You asked, eyes wide. He let out a rough sigh. "Don't do that," he said grumpily. You smiled mischievously and started scratching his hair as if he was a cat. Immediately he unstiffened and melted into your side. You giggled and let him cuddle up against him. Apparently his hair was his weak spot. Kind of like Dipper, who would do the same if you tickled his sides. You had learned that after Mabel tickled him and he freaked out. You smile, remembering, and Bill sat up straighter.

"You're good friends with Pine Tree and his sister?" He asked. You nodded, "how did you know that?"

"I saw your daydream," he answered, shrugging as if it was nothing. You raised an eyebrow. Did he have his powers back? If so, why was he still here? You watched Bill suddenly stiffen again and laugh a bit. "I mean, before I got stuck as a human," he said quickly and you nodded again. That made sense. "Even if I did have my powers, I still know lots of things. Everything to be exact," Bill added, looking darkly at you from under his bangs. Damn that was hot. "I know the past, the present, the future," he said.

"What happens in my future?" You asked, trying to look at anything but Bill and failing miserably. "Can't tell you that, kid," he smiled. You frowned. "Don't call me that," you commented, "I'm not a kid. I'm young, yeah, but not a kid. I have a name. Y/n."

"Mmmhmm," Bill hummed happily, "the best name ever! Next to Bill Cipher of course." You laughed and he laughed too. You loved the sound of his laugh. It was so different, so unique. It made you happy no matter what was going on. You yawned and remembered your exhaustion form working extra hours. "I'm off to bed," you announced and went into the hall. You turned to look behind you before you closed the door. Bill winked at you and waved. "Okay y/n, sweet dreams," he said, "remember reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, goodnight!"

You rolled your eyes at his weirdness, still smiling widely. You closed the door, got dressed, and fell asleep immediately as your head hit the pillow. You slept a dreamless night.

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