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There is currently a storm going on outside and the lightning is freaking me out cause it looks just like Bill's appearing in my bedroom over and over....not that I'm complaining....just kidding I know, I know, Bill belongs to all of us I have to share :)
Let me know what you think!

It was almost one o'clock in the morning as Bill entered Dipper's bedroom, making everything go to dreamscape. Dipper woke up quickly, jolting upright in bed, breathing hard. The moment he saw Bill he stormed over, hands forming into fists. "What do you want?" He asked, saying "you" as if it was a cuss word.

"Whoa kid," Bill said, putting his hands up, "I just need to tell ya something."


"Remember when I told you y/n was mine? I wasn't joking. You went and got her to like you better than me. At least I think so. I don't know for sure. That's why I need a puppet," Bill winked and Dipper's jaw dropped. "No no no NO," Dipper stammered, taking at least five steps backwards, "no, Bill, you are not taking over my body again!"

"Sorry Pine Tree," Bill said darkly, "I need your body for my vessel right now. I want to make you suffer..."

"Bill, stop, this is crazy!" Dipper was trying to run away, but there was nowhere to go. "Y/n likes you, she told me so!"

"How am I supposed to know that?!" Bill said, grabbing Dipper's forearm. "I'm gonna to posses your body, Pine Tree, and there's nothing you can do about it." Then with one last smirk and a flash of light, Dipper felt everything around him go dark. When he opened his eyes, Dipper looked down at himself. He was transparent with little colour to his features. In front of him was his body, slowly standing up. Great, Dipper grumbled, now I have to somehow find a vessel and get Mabel or y/n to save me. He watched as Bill in Dipper's body was struggling to keep his balance. "Whoa-hoa! New feet," Bipper laughed, leaning side to side, "I almost forgot how weird your body was, Pine Tree! Second time around, I know everything. No tickling, no staying up late..."

Crap, he remembers, Dipper cursed, he knows what not to do in my body since he learned his lesson last time. Or rather, didn't learn his lesson, obviously.

Dipper floated along, following Bill around as he crashed against furniture and banged his head against the walls. Bill laughed with each injury, and Dipper was extremely angry. "Stop it Bill," he screamed, "your jealousy is getting the best of you! How can you expect anyone to trust you if you do stuff like this?!" Slowly Bill as Dipper turned to him. He had yellow eyes and a giant smile. "But you don't trust me Pine Tree," he smiled, "race you downstairs!" He walked calmly to the stairs before hurling himself off of them. Dipper winced as he saw his body smashing against each step. Dipper followed Bill around the rest of the night, watching helplessly as he hurt Dipper's body, crashing into walls and furniture so that they left nasty bruises for the next morning. "Don't worry Pine Tree," Bill chuckled, "I'll try not to hurt you too much."

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