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HI SO IMPORTANT NEWS I might be writing a Souleater Boys (Soul, Kid, and Blackstar) x Reader fanfic....idk if I should, let me know if that's something you would read. Back to the story!

You woke up the next morning to a beautiful sunny day, not a cloud in the sky. After stretching and rubbing your eyes you sort of just sat there in bed. You didn't know what had happened last night, Bill had seemed pretty upset about something, but today looked like a good day, like something important was going to happen.

Once you had changed into your favourite outfit, f/c jeans and f/c t-shirt, and combed your hair, you went out into the kithcen-louge area looking for Bill. He wasn't there. Actually, he was nowhere to be found. Maybe he went out last night, you told yourself, not easing the worry that had suddenly risen. Or maybe he was able to transform back to his original form, you thought, and he left...would he really go without saying goodbye? You thought he liked you! You liked him!

After calling his name a bit more you went downstairs and began walking towards the Mystery Shack, anxiety and worries swirling around in your brain, hoping Bill would be back before you got home from work.

Once you arrived Stan had you sweep the floors for longer than usual. "There's a lot of hair on the floor for some reason," he grumbled, "like somebody was pulling out their hair." You just shrugged and began to clean up all the dirt and...hair. Not long after Wendy went on her break, taking Mabel with her, so it was your turn to work the checkout desk. After about fifteen minutes of just sitting there Dipper walked in. But it didn't really look like Dipper.

He overall had the same appearance, but there was something off about him. His eyes seemed like they had almost a yellow tint to them not to mention the massive dark circles under them for obvious lack of sleep. He was smiling extremely widely, which wasn't really normal for Dipper, and his walk was a little strange. It seemed weird but you didn't pay much attention. He went up to the desk and leaned against it, one arm rested on the couter and the other under his chin. "So y/n!" He smiled, "wanna go on a date with me?!"

"Excuse me, what?" You blurt out. Dipper would never ask her out, what got into him? He shrugged and walked behind the desk so you were facing him. "I thought you said you loved me yesterday, so I asked if you wanted to go on a date," he explained, that creepy smile still plastered on his tired face. "No, sorry Dip, I told you I don't feel that way about you," you said calmly and his grin somehow was able to get bigger. "Alright," he said and walked off, bumping into the wall a few times. A customer came up to the desk to buy something so you got back to work. You could hear banging and slamming of drawers in the kitchen and as soon as the customer left you ran into the room. Dipper had his arm in the drawer and was slamming the drawer open and shut. You winced and shouted, "Dipper! What the heck are you doing?!" He stopped and shrugged, moving out of the kitchen and into the living room.

That was weird. You were really worried now, not just for Bill's disappearance but because of Dipper acting this way. Even though you were scared and worried you continued working, trying to distract yourself.

Meanwhile Bill was kicking Dipper's toe against a box over and over. Dipper, in his ghost-like state, was desperately trying to stop him. "Bill! Stop! That's my body!" Bill just laughed and went over to the kitchen again, pulling out forks. He took one and stabbed it into his left forearm. It stuck there and a small trickle of blood ran down his skin. "Pain is hilarious," Bill chuckled and stabbed two more forks into Dipper's skin. Now with his arm all bloody Bill began walking shakily outside, where he stood there, slapping himself as hard as he could. He took a small stick and pried his fingernails up, pulled out a tooth, and did other various things to torture Dipper's body.

"Bill! Stop it!" Dipper was yelling at the top of his lungs but Bill just laughed and took some duct tape from Soos's toolbox, taping it onto Dipper's arm, and ripping it off, all his arm hair coming with it. Dipper cringed and flew over to the edge of the forest where there was a rabbit. "Sorry about this," he mumbled and closed his eyes, focusing all his energy on the animal. Within seconds he had possesed the rabbit and began hopping around crazily, making his way to where he thought Wendy and Mabel went. He heard the laugh of Bill from behind him, urging him to move faster. Whatever injuries Bill caused his body he would feel whenever Bill left it, so Dipper had to act quickly. He just hoped he wouldn't be too late.

Deal (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now