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Hi! How have you all been? I haven't updated as much as I'd like to, sorry...I'm taking French lessons online and they take up a lot of time...but thank you for all your reads/votes/comments! I really appreciate it *virtual hug*

Also the picture for this chapter doesn't have anything to do with the story (sorry, no dicord feels) If you want you can pretend the stranger-guy in this chapter is Discord :)

Mabel had invited you to stay at the Mystery Shack that night. Although you wanted to go back to your apartment and see if Bill had come back, which you kept telling yourself was a stupid and absolutely hopeless idea, that anger returned every time. Bill didn't love you. He left you. All he wanted was the citrine stone.

"You alright y/n?" Dipper asked, breaking your train of thought. "I'm fine," you mumbled. You tried not to make eye contact. You didn't want to see their faces, how they were giving you their pity. Mabel put a hand on your shoulder and smiled. "Ice cream will definetely help," she announced. The three of you were, as Mabel had said, going to get ice cream. She had insisted even though you didn't feel like going anywhere.

When you got the the shop you sat at a table near the front door and your friends went to get the food. "Are you alright?" a voice said. You turned to see a man probably a few years older than you smiling from the table across from you.

"You have no idea how many times I've been asked that today," you said, trying a grin. The man laughed. "Friend stuff? Guy stuff?"

"Um...guy stuff," you answered hesitantly. You weren't usually one to talk to strangers, but this guy seemed trustworthy for some reason. "Ugh that's the worst," he groaned in a joking way, "don't worry about it though. Everything will turn out fine, trust me. If he never comes back, he was never worth it."

"Thanks," you said, not sure what to say in response, "who are you exactly? Do you live in Gravity Falls?"

"This is my last day here," he smiled, "I'm on holiday. I have some friends who live here so I came to pay a visit. Right now they're getting my ice cream for me and I'm guessing it's the same case for you?" You nodded and saw Dipper and Mabel walking towards you. Also you spotted a group of about three or four people guesturing for your new aquaintance to come join them. "Well, nice meeting you," he said and got up, leaving you with a wave. "You too," was all you could say as you watched him walk out the door with his friends.

"Here you go y/n," Mabel cheered, shoving a dripping ice cream cone at you, "I didn't lick it I promise." Dipper rolled his eyes and pulled out the journal, flipping through a couple pages. You stared out the window, thinking about that strange man's words. Everything will turn out fine. Everything will turn out...no. It wouldn't. You dug your nails into your leg under the table, holding back tears. Your vision was bluring and your cheeks were getting uncomfortably warm. You had to calm down before Mabel or Dipper noticed, the last thing you wanted was for them to worry or give you a pity pep talk. You turned your head farther towards the window, so it would be harder for either of the twins to see you. You tried to focus on something, anything outside. And you did. Robbie was standing outside by a bench, talking on his cell phone, a suspicious-looking smirk on his face. The necklace in his hands.

Both your palms hit the table, hard, as you bolted up and grabbed your purse, running out the door. The sound of Dipper and Mabel's shouting voices and pounding footsteps followed you as you kept racing towards Robbie. Enevitably he noticed you and his eyes grew wide. Quickly he shut his phone and took off, this now becoming a chase. "He's got the stone," you yelled to your friends. You heard Mabel gasp in reply and Dipper curse under his breath. The three of you followed Robbie all the way to the edge of the forest until he...disappeared. Just like that. Gone.

"Did you see where he went?!" Dipper asked, panting. You shook your head, using the remainder of your energy to try not to fall over from how tired you were. "We know now it was him," Mabel noted but Dipper shook his head. "We actually don't, this makes it even harder," he sighed, "we thought Bill wanted the citrine but now Robbie has it. For whatever purpose, we don't know. To kill all wildlife and plants in the forest? Seems like something either of them would want to do. Maybe Robbie was helping Bill or vice versa? Did they make a deal of some sort?" Immediately after saying this he cringed and turned to you. You looked away. "It's fine," you muttered but got that horrible lump in your throat again.

"Let's keep a watch," Dipper continued, "see if he comes back here, find out where he goes. If we can somehow pinpoint where he's hiding it or trap Robbie himself we can learn who's really after it and what that person plans to use it for."

"Why do we have to try and catch Robbie?" Mabel asked, "why can't we just summon Bill Cipher?" Her gaze shifted uneasily to you, knowing she shouldn't have said it. Dipper turned to you as well, adding, "or maybe not," and for a good five seconds there was a silence. That was all it took for you to break down crying.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you like Supenatural and haven't read my Supernatural fanfics you should please go read them and tell me what you think!
Here's a list of them:
-- Newborn (this is a Destiel with some Sabriel)
-- Newborn x2 (sequel to newborn, Sabriel with some Destiel)
-- Charlie Meets Cas (Destiel)
-- Sick Day (Destiel)
Thanks! Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!

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