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Hey guys! This is gonna be a pretty long chapter so enjoy!

"So how are things going? Is Bill giving you any trouble?" Dipper asked. You were at the Mystery Shack for the afternoon, and you had brought Bill along with you. He was currently trying to interrogate the vending machine. It looked pretty funny since he was wearing his gold-yellow suit and black top hat.

"Not really," you replied, "he hasn't made a move for the citrine stone. I'm honestly not sure it's him that's after it. How can it be him since he saved us from that black hooded dude?"

"Y/n," Dipper said, rolling his eyes, "of course it's Bill. He was the one who wanted to make a deal for it, remember? And of course he saved us from that guy, it was probably some stupid diversion!" You looked at the ground, trying to think. You trusted Dipper Pines with your life, but right now...you had this gut feeling that it wasn't Bill who was after the stone. You glanced back up at your friend, who had been joined by Mabel. "You're getting your feelings in the way of reality," Mabel said, waving her hands over her eyes in a funny, mysterious manner. Immediately after she said this you blushed and Bill seemed to appear by your side. He smirked, winking. "Are you talking about me?"

"No!" You blurted, trying to calm down. You could feel the heat on your cheeks. You shot an annoyed look at Mabel, trying to make it look like you weren't embarrassed. Then you turned to Dipper. "Dip, I don't know about what you're saying. For now let's keep it safe and work out the details as we go along," you said flatly. Bill's smile widened. "Hey kid, what is this about?" He asked, mischief in his face. You grabbed his upper arm and dragged him outside and all the way to your apartment.

You decided to make yourself and Bill lunch, so you prepared sandwiches. You didn't have much to eat, so you just poured some Doritos on the plates and carried them out to the living room. "Here. Eat," you said and out the plate in Bill's lap. He picked at his sandwich crust as you scarfed down your own lunch. You watched out of the corner of your eye as Bill struggled to chew correctly. You held back a laugh. He really was cute. He finally managed to swallow a Dorito. He smiled a bit and picked up another, studying it. "These are pretty delicious, kid," he said and ate another. After he ate about three or four he put his plate on the side table and folded his arms over his chest. "Bill," you insisted, "you need to eat more. You're in human form, that means you need food. You're never gonna get better."

Bill sighed but didn't eat any more. You sighed back and crossed your arms too. "Fine, starve," you said, "see if I care."

"Oh but you do care," Bill said, looking at you from under his side bangs. You blushed a deep red and then cursed yourself. Why did you have to blush at the worst times?! "Sh-shut up," you stammered, looking away. You kind of turned your head back to face him after a second and poked his side. It made you jump the way he automatically reacted defensively, grabbing your wrist and holding it above your head, eye glowing red. "Don't. Tickle me," he growled.

"Geez, okay!" You laughed and he let you go. "You get mad so easily."

Bill's features still shined an ominous red shade. "You wouldn't like me when I'm mad," he said, less aggressively. You smiled a little and then changed the subject, "why do you always wear that suit?"

"Well I wasn't exactly given a whole wardrobe, kid," he answered with a smile, "I don't go into human form often, so this is all I got." You nodded and tucked your knees up to your chest, feeling the hard stone against your skin under your shirt. "It's weird," you said simply, only teasing. Bill smirked and suddenly put a hand behind his head, posing, doing that smirk of his and tossing his head back. You could practically see the anime-like sparkles in the air. He winked at you once, smirking widely, "how can I do more sexy than this?"

That was it. You jumped up and grabbed the plates with a clatter. "Be right back," you mumbled and ran into the kitchen, Bill's laughter following you. You vigorously scrubbed the dishes in the sink, cursing yourself yet again. This was not happening. I can't let him get to me, you scolded yourself as you dried one of the plates. But then you took the towel and danced around the kitchen with it, feeling like a schoolgirl with a crush again. But how can I when I feel like this?

Hope you liked it! I'm trying to update as much as possible...let me know if you have any ideas/like this story so far! It's gonna be pretty long I hope!! Okay thank you so much for everyhing! Be sure to follow me for updates on when I make new fandom and Gravity Falls fanfics and update this book. Thanks!

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