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(Credit to whoever drew this! Again, I found it on Pinterest so...yeah sorry if its copyrighted.)
Hi! I hope you're all in the mood for a SUPER LONG chapter!! I'm in the mood to write so please enjoy!
Oh, also the results of my survey-thing...I also asked some of my friends and there is a 3-way tie between the Thranduil x Reader, the Death the Kid x Reader, and the Jack Harkness x Reader. If you would all be so kind as to vote again, (just comment) and choose one of these three. (I'll make my friends vote again too.)
A note: if your choice didn't make it into the 3-way tie, DON'T WORRY! I will definetely be writing more if not all of those in the future. If you'd like to get an update to know exactly when, feel free to follow me! (I will also be writing a really long Levi Ackerman x Reader sometime in the near[?] future!)
Okay, that was a really unecessarily long author's note. Please enjoy!

The Mystery Shack was closed the next day, but you still had to work. Which meant sweeping for about two hours straight since Soos took the day off. You didn't mind though...anything to get your mind off Bill Cipher.

Only problem was it didn't actually help. The whole time sweeping and cleaning the Mystery Shack your mind wandered off to worry about him. You had gone to the hospital in the morning to check on him and he wasn't there. One of the nurses had told you he had been allowed to leave if he wanted and he did. You had spent quite a while crying before dragging yourself to work.

Being the amazing friends they were, Dipper and Mabel offered to do your work for you but you declined. You didn't want to seem completely miserable. Even though you were. Bill was gone, not even telling you. Had he left for good? Had he healed himself but stayed a triangle? You had no idea what had happened so all you could do was hope.

After you had finished vacuuming the lounge you stuffed the broom, sponge, and all other cleaning supplies you were using into Soos's janior closet. "Y/n," you heard Dipper say and you turned to face him. "Yeah?" You asked, closing the closet door. He sighed and rubbed the back of his head nervously. "I, uh...I just wanted to say that...well," he sighed again and looked at the ground, "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. For everything. The way I acted, everything. I shouldn't have judged Bill on how he would treat you by the way he treated me. I was so skeptical and unsure about him and I wanted you to be safe. I had no idea how much he really liked you until he put your life before his. And I...I'm so, so sorry about the way things turned out."

You wiped away a single tear that had managed to streak down your face and pulled Dipper into a hug. It took him by surprise but he soon hugged you back and you stayed this way for a while until he pulled away, putting his hands on his hips. "So," he announced, "have you heard anything from him? At all?"

"Wait, you don't mind us being together?" You asked. He shrugged and smiled a bit. "As long as you're happy y/n," he said, "I actually kind of ship it a little."

"YES!" Mabel screamed from the room next door and both the Pines twins laughed, leaving you to stand there blushing. Though soon your embarrassed smile disappeared. "I haven't heard from him," you said quietly, "I think he might have channeled all his powers into healing himself, his only option, but decided to stay in triangle form. I gues he didn't want to face me?" You felt your eyes tear up and cursed, swiping at them with the back of your hand. Mabel hugged you tightly as you took shaky breaths, trying to calm down. "All I can do is stay hopeful," you sighed, "and be patient and wait."

"Wait? How long?" Mabel asked, still holding you in her inescapable hugs. You shrugged and took a step back, "as long as I have to. I would wait forever for him."

"Well then y/n, your wait is over!"

It couldn't be. You whirled around and saw none other than Bill Cipher standing in front of the now closed front door, arms extended, a smirk on his face. Your heart skipped a beat and you ran as fast as you could over to him, practically knocking him over as you hugged him close. You were sobbing now, with joy, and found you couldn't stop. He was here, he was healed! You clutched at his suit and cried for what seemed like forever as he rubbed your back with his hand and continuously kissed your forehead. "Geez, kid, you don't have to cry so much. I promised I wouldn't leave you, remember?" He chuckled.

"You don't have your powers," you gasped, breaking away, "I'm sorry!"

"Y/n, it's fine. I still am all-knowing. Plus I'm still able to levitate," Bill smiled, lifting off the ground and hovering there for a split second still holding both your hands before landing. "I don't mind as long as I'm with you. I'd choose you over powers any day, y/n. Although it will be hard getting used to. I already miss reading your mind."

You giggled and pulled him closer to you. "I'm so relieved," you joked and he made an obviously fake pouting face. He pulled you closer, not ever loosening his grip on his hands as he put his forehead against yours. "I love you," he whispered and you felt yet another tear drop. "I love you too," you whispered back, voice cracking a but from crying. "Yay," Mabel cheered and started jumping up and down. "So you chose human form," you said, raising an eyebrow and smiling. "I figured you'd rather have sex with me like this," Bill smirked. "Oh yeah," you whispered but suddenly you started blushing like crazy as soon as you realized there were two of your friends staring at you.

"We're still here!" Dipper said, cringing. Bill let go of you and crossed his arms, smirk still on his lips as he raised both eyebrows teasingly at your friend. "Don't be so jealous Pine Tree," Bill stated, "it's not like y/n and I haven't done it before."

"Okay, way too much information," Dipper shouted and cringed again. Your face was as bright as a tomato but Mabel was still cheering so at least there was no awkward silence. "You finished work y/n, you can go home and spend time with Bill," Mabel insisted and practically shoved you and Bill out of the door.

If you hadn't guessed by now, next chapter will be LEMONY SMUT! Mwahahahaaa!!! Please if you're 12 or younger or just immature skip it, I will try not to put anything important in the chapter so you won't be lost in chapter 43.
Thanks for everything! Love you all :)
~~Remember, reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!~~

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