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Hi guys! Sorry if you were expecting another chapter, I promise it will be updated sometime this week!

So I need your advice. There are SO MANY ideas I have for more "x reader" fanfictions but I of course can't write them all at once. I need your opinion on which of my ideas you would actually be interested in reading. Here are the choices:

1) Thranduil x Reader
2) Legolas x Reader
3) Cecil x Carlos (Cecilos)
4) Souleater boys x Reader
5) Death the Kid x Reader
6) Percy x Nico (Perico)
7) Jack Harkness x Reader
8) Howl x Reader
9) Sebastian x Reader x Ciel
10) Spike (Edward the Bloody) x Reader

You can vote for MORE THAN ONE but PLEASE COMMENT telling me which ones you would read/like to read. Whichever gets the most votes I will write a full length book fanfic (like this Bill Cipher one)

Thanks again! Please please vote I NEEED your adviiiice!!!!! See you soon!

Deal (Bill Cipher x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now