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Hi guys! I am so sorry I haven't been updating, I'm trying to write really long chapters in a really short amount of time! Thank you for the comments, they make me so happy!!

It had been a few days since the party at Pacifica's house. You couldn't stop thinking about Bill, what he said, how he looked. Your head started spinning each time you tried to fathom it. You worked diligently at the Mystery Shack, as the second receptionist, and tried not to daydream.

You hadn't heard from Bill since the dance, not in dreams, not in real life. Part of you was worried...

"Y/n!" You heard Dipper's voice shout from the other room as he raced up to the counter and grabbed your hand. "Whoa, what? What's going on?!" You fumbled with your words and let Dipper pull you outside and towards the forest behind the Mystery Shack. "There was someone outside the window watching us earlier, he saw you with the citrine stone," Dipper explained as the two of you ran at full speed into the dense pine trees, "now he's out to get it, we have to go! Mabel's waiting with a golf cart!"

You didn't question why Mabel had a golf cart nor how on Earth she got into the forest so fast, (probably one of those weird things only Mabel seemed to be able to do,) and ran for your life. Soon you and Dipper could see Mabel in her bright pink sweater waving her arms around from the front seat of the golf cart. You hopped into the seat next to her and Dipper slid into the back. Immediately Mabel started the engine and drove as fast as she could. With a quick glance behind you, you could barely make out a black shadowed figure racing close behind. Mabel followed your gaze, and since she wasn't paying attention, didn't notice when the golf cart swerved towards a huge tree in front of you. Dipper screamed and you made a dive for the steering wheel a second too late. All three of you were hurled out of the seats and the last thing you remember was hitting the leaf-covered ground with a crunch.

When you finally regained conciousness and opened your eyes, you could see the shadowy figure coming closer, at kind of a slow speed. Nevertheless, he was close, and you had to get out of here. Automatically you felt for the stone underneath your shirt. It was there. You looked around and saw Mabel passed out against a tall oak tree and Dipper was beside you, against the bottom of a stone cliff, slowly waking. "Dipper," you said urgently, giving his shoulders a shake, "wake up! We have to get out of here!!"

He groaned and sat up, rubbing his head. Quickly he noticed the man coming closer and jumped to his feet. He outstretched a hand to help you up and just as Mabel started screaming, the man picked up the speed and was coming towards the three of you even faster. "There's no way out!" Dipper exclaimed. Your path was blocked by trees and the hooded man on one side and a rock wall on the other. You saw Dipper wince and then holler, "Bill! We need your help! I'm willing to make a deal!"

Before you could even register what Dipper had said a tall yellow suit-clad man appeared before you, resting on his black cane. "Bill," you said in a sigh and he gave you his signature smirk. "Well well well," he smiled in that unmistakable voice of his, "looks like we're in a spot of trouble, eh y/n?"

"Just get us out of here!" Dipper yelled, "we need you to get this guy away from us and keep him from getting the citrine stone!"

"You're awfully persistent pinetree," Bill chuckled and swung his cane around, "let's make a deal, hmm? How about another dance with this beautiful lady?" He winked at you and you felt heat creep behind your neck. You heard Mabel gasp. "That was Bill?! Y/n, you danced with Bill Cipher?!" You rolled your eyes, not knowing how she didn't notice before, but focused your attention on Bill. Before you could even open your mouth to reply Dipper cut in. "No way," the boy said firmly, "you'll probably turn it into some sort of dance party to the death, or have y/n dance on fire or something!"

"Listen pinetree," Bill said, suddenly serious. His eyes, or eye shall we say, gave you a shiver down your spine. Even though he was handsome and charming he had a dark side you couldn't ignore. "To keep this guy away I'm going to have to stay in this human form," Bill said, "but I'm not going to be strong enough to go back to the dreamscape for a while. I need a place to rest for a few days."

"Done," you said without even realizing it. Wait, Bill stay at your apartment? For how long? What the hell had you just agreed to?! Bill gave a sideways smile and tipped his hat, "okay then!" You found yourself shaking his black-gloved hand, which radiated blue fire, and with a white flash the hooded man disappeared. For now.

When you opened your eyes, a second time now, you saw Bill on the dirt ground, breathing hard. You raced to his side and helped him stand. "I'm fine y/n," he said, almost angrily, determined to be fine. But you could tell he wasn't. He was covered in scratches that were slowly bleeding.

"You get hurt in human form?" You asked, wincing. He nodded and you let him lean on you as you helped him to your apartment to bandage his wounds and, well, make him a makeshift room to stay in while he regained his powers. You sighed, closing your eyes. What had you gotten yourself into?

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