New Year Festival

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Kiyotaka POV:

Its the 31 st of December. The school is hosting a new year festival to celebrate the oncoming year. I can't say I am not excited for this as I have never experienced what a festival is like. Am also interested in the fireworks. I have heard it is a display of beautiful color and sound, I look forward to seeing that.

Yesterday Kei had bought me a festival attire and it fits me perfectly and also looks good on me. I had given her the hoodie and the headband that Kakeru bought as an apology. Surprisingly she accepted the gifts... Seems like Kakeru really knows how to buy gifts for someone. And I heard she was wearing the hoodie today morning while shopping with her friends. Its just like Kakeru said, I got no words maybe I should ask him for tips.

I am planning to give Kei the necklace at the start of new year. Hoping that we can have a good year together. Manabu is also planning to confess on the start of new year. Good luck with that. Me and Kei are planning to meet a few moments before new year hits on a secluded place in the campus that Manabu had mentioned. Apparently he is planning to confess to Tachibana-senpai there too but wouldn't mind if we both are also present nearby just don't disturb them he said.

We can't hang out together during the festival as Kei was invited by her group of friends to hang out and she said she will excuse herself in between to meet up with me. So for the festival I am practically alone lets see if the AG members will come...


[Kiyotaka: Anybody willing to hang out during the new year festival?]

[Keisei: I thought you had promised to hang out with Karuizawa-san]

[Kiyotaka: Well yes but she has to hang out with her friends during the festival we agreed to meet up before the fireworks.]

[Akito: I don't mind coming.]

[Keisei: Yeah same I was wondering what to do.]

[Akito: What about you Haruka and Airi?]

[Haruka: Yes I can come!! Of course I will take care of my sons.]

[Haruka: Airi-chan will also come, right Airi-chan!]

[Airi: Hai everyone's coming so it would be rude to refuse.]

[Kiyotaka: I am glad everyone's coming. I hope what happened doesn't affect our group that much.]

[Akito: No prob.]

[Keisei: I was stunned but it's fine everyone's got family problems.]

[Haruka: Its fine Kiyopon! But tell us in the future so that we can also help you.]

[Airi: Its fine Kiyotaka-kun.]

[Kiyotaka: Thank you guys. When are we meeting up?]

[Haruka: How about at 7:30 pm at the festival?]

[Akito: Sure]

[Keisei: I see no problem.]

[Kiyotaka: Same here]

[Airi: 7:30 pm ok]

[Haruka: Its decided then! Everyone wear festival attire ok. If you don't have one buy!!!]

[Akito: Yes ma'am]

[Haruka: You mean mom?]

That went better than I thought. I didn't expect Airi to come too. I thought she would need more time to recover, seems like I underestimated the strength of her heart... she has grown.

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