Movies and Madness

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(Alison's POV)

The final bell just rang, which means school just ended. I was hanging out with Autumn all day, I have no idea why but I felt like I needed to get to know her better. And of course the curious Emily Fields has to be there. I guess she still thinks having almost everything in common with Autumn was weird, but I didn't mind.

Me and Emily met up before we left school. The other girls couldn't come because they had "better plans" and Autumn was at the principal's office fixing her schedule.

"What's your problem with Autumn?" I asked Emily

"Nothing it's just were too much a like" She says squinting her eyes

"What ever" I said rolling my eyes

"Hey you wanna hang out later and watch a movie around 8?" She asked me. When she said those words I felt chills down my spine, it sounded like she was asking me out on a date. If only, but I'm pretty sure she just means "as friends"

"I would but I don't wanna third wheel with you and Paige" I told her

"That's why I wanna hang out, because Paige has swimming practice" she said rolling her eyes

"Don't you have swimming?" I asked her

"Yeah but I have a massive head ache so I got excused" she smiled at me. her smiles lights up my day

"I'll text you if I can. but I'm not sure I might hang out with Autumn. you know show her around town?" I respond to Emily

"Ugh fine. ditch me for the new girl, that looks exactly like me" she glares at me. I just winked at her and met up with Autumn.


"Hey Aut do you have a ride? I can drop you off If you want?" I asked Autumn

"Actually yeah I do need a ride. I hope it's not too much" she asked

"Psh. Of course not, im the one who offered, now hop in" I said as I motioned her to get it. She hops in my car and we drove off.

As we drove the car was in complete silenced. This is my chance to get to know her more.

"Hey so I apologize in behalf of Emily, she's really freaked out about your personality" I told her

"Freaked out? Why would she be freaked out?" She asked raising an eye brow

"Oh nothing just because you look like her, her dad is in the military, She's Canadian and Filipino, she swims, and last but not least she is also 100% allergic to man parts" I said with a chuckle at the end

"What the even heck. That's a lot of things Ali, that's not nothing. See this explains a lot" she said nodding

"Explains what?" I asked

"Because she been staring at me and asking me a lot of questions" she said glaring at me. I just laughed.

"What did she ask you?" I asked still laughing

"She asked me what size was my bra, if I was a cannibal, if I lost my virginity, and a lot more" she said making her eyes bigger, and I started to laugh hysterically.

When we got to her house it was big. She had at least 14 cars parked and they were lambos, bugatties, and convertibles. Well she's loaded.

"What the shit. you have like a gazillion cars and you made me drop you of?!" I yelled at her jokingly

"Hey you're the one that affected remembered" she said glaring at me

"Touché brunette touché" I glare back at her and we start smiling at each other.

"Do you wanna come inside?" She asked me. I looked at her hesitating.

"Oh come on please? I don't wanna be alone again" she pleaded.

How could I say no to that. We went inside her house and it was gigantic. Like you have no idea how big it was. She has her own in door pool. Gaming room. Etc

"Damn dude. This place is huge" I yell out loud

"Yeah. that's why it gets lonely" she said looking at the ground

"Cheer up okay. You're awesome and there is nothing to be lonely about now that you have me and the girls" I told her while I smiled

"Thanks Ali" she said smiling back at me.

We ordered pizza, ate ice cream, and watched my favorite movie "the kingsman" after the movie ended, she was cold and sleeping. of course I don't know my way around her house, it's a fucking mansion and I couldn't find a blanket so I just cuddled up next to her.


I woke up with Autumn still in my arms she looked so beautiful sleeping. I don't know what's happening to me. Maybe it's the fact that she's a lot like Emily. maybe it's just me I don't known.

I checked my phone and looked at the time it was 8:27 CRAP I FORGOT TO CALL EMILY.

I stood up totally forgetting that I was holding autumn. when I stood up she jumped up totally scared.

"Woah what happened?" Autumn asked me

"Did I startle you? I'm sorry but I have to go call Emily" I said as fast as I could and started dialing Emily's phone number.

After the 2nd ring she picked up

"Ali where the hell are you?" She yelled at me I could tell she was mad

"Sorry I was hanging out with Autumn and I lost track of time" I said

"Well are you coming or not? Because this movie isn't gonna watch it self" she yelled at me

"Okay okay Hun I'm coming calm the fuck down I'll be there in 20" I said

"20?!? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" She started getting even angrier

"Autumn's house is really far I'm sorry Hun I have to go BYE" I hung up before she could even answer.

"Hey Autumn, honey. I have to go Fields wants me to come over" I shouted

"Okay have fun bye!!" She gave me a hug then I left.


(Emily's POV)

It's been 20 minutes Alison should be here by now. Right on cue the doorbell rang. I opened the door and it reveals Dilaurentis.

"Where the hell have you been?" I shot at her

"Oh stop acting like an over protective girlfriend" she shot back giving me a look.

"I am not acting like an over protective girlfriend!" I yelled at her. the truth is I can't stand knowing someone is in a room with Alison alone. "I just wanted to know where you've been, what were you doing and--" I continued my lie and Alison gives me a look "okay I see your point" I say nodding at her

"So are we gonna watch this movie or not?" She yelled out

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked her while She cuddled up next to me. I didnt mind, I cuddle up with Hanna all the time. friends can cuddle too. I think

"I don't know, anything. As long as I'm alone with you by my side and cuddling with me" she said cuddling closer to me. I just smiled at her cuteness and stared at her while starting the movie. My life cannot get any better than this. Alison with me. She looked so beautiful I couldn't stop staring. Everytime I see her my heart skips a million beats and I get these butterflies whenever she smiles or laugh.

Im In love with Alison. I never stopped. I just used Paige to get over my heart ache. I know it's bad to use someone but I didn't who to turn to.Yes I told Ali I loved Paige. which Was true because on the way I did fall in love with Paige. But Ali was my first love. You always forgive your first love. I realized loving Alison while I'm with Paige is cheating. I need to break things off with Paige. I need some time to think of its gonna be Paige and I. Or Alison and I...

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