Momma Fields

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(Emily's POV)

I waved to the girls and kissed Alison on the cheek and walked outside. Shit. I thought to myself. Did i really just kiss her on the cheek? She probably won't make a big deal about it. I mean we just made out so...

I was looking around for my car but i couldn't find it. Then it hit me, I left the car at the club crap. I called Amy hoping she could help me.

E- Hello

A- Hey whats up you sobered up yet?

E- Amy i need a favor

A- Sure what is it?

E- Could you maybe get my car at the club?

A- Yeah sure ill ask Shane to drop it off

E- Who?

I was hoping for an answer but she already hung up. A couple minutes later a guy with my car.

"You have a sick car" HE chuckled getting out of my car

"Thanks I won it on a contest"

"You won a White 2015 Convertible Porsche Carrera?! The interior is leather red and its pretty fucking cool"

"Thanks" I smiled

"Im Shane by the way, Im not sure you remember me because the last time we saw each other you were intoxicated" HE chuckled

"Emily" I smiled

"Well you see I've got to get going my mom needs help with the groceries" We both said our goodbyes and i jumped in my car and drove to the house.

"Mom Im home!" I yelled as i open the front door

"You're late!" She yelled back while i walked in the kitchen and i saw her cutting up some vegetables

"Sorry i got held back"

"where have you been"

"Its a long story Mom"

"And why does you're breathe smell like alcohol"


"I told you its a long story"

"Emily Catherine Fields you are underaged!"

"Really? how old were you when you started drinking" I glared at her and she didn't answer

"Why are you doing this to yourself"

"Thats exactly what Hanna said" I chuckled

"Im gonna give you the same answer i told her, Because of Alison" I continued

"What do you mean"

"Its complicated, At first I thought she was playing me, so i got drunk. Then Amy picked me up and dropped me off at Hanna's house to sober up, And i did so then i slept. But when i woke up i saw Alison on the front door, then I Started drinking again"

"Wait why was Alison there"

"She wanted to say goodbye"

"Thats why you were held back? Because you were talking to her?"

"You could say that" I smirked at the memory of Alisons' lips against mine.

"Well what about you invite her for dinner so you two can talk some more" She Smiled

"Talk about what?"

"Do you still have feelings for her?"

"Mom, Im in love with her"

"Did you tell her that"

"I dont think so"

"Exactly thats what you need to talk about"

"In 2 Hours you need to call Alison over" She smiled and started cooking.

How can I get out of this?

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