Not My Fault

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(Alison's POV)

"Dont! Just dont even try fixing this!" She yelled at me and stormed out.

"What was she talking about?" I asked Spencer and Aria

"You didn't hear?" Aria says going down the stairs

"No" I shook my head

"Aren't you gonna go after her?" Aria asks me

"She basically said she was done with you" Spencer gets up and grabs a drink from my fridge

"Done with me? What did I do?" I chuckled

"She thinks you're playing her again" Aria shrugged

"Are you?" Spencer takes a sip from her drink

"What makes her think that?" I let out a chuckle

"Because you cancelled on her you dumbass" Spencer snapped

"Well I'm sorry if i wanted to choose for myself who I wanted to date. You guys may be my best friends but my love life is mine. You dont get to choose who I date Spence" I snapped back at her.

"Alison! What are you talking about"

"Just because--"

"Just because what? Ali, she's been through so much couldn't you give her a break? You know she loves you, and you won't even think twice about canceling with her, even though you knew that she's been waiting for you. And we both know she deserves better than that" Spencer cuts me off

"Dont you think I know that? She deserves better than me! I destroyed her. Dont you think I know that I'm not good enough for her!" I yelled.

Then suddenly Cece came barging in.

"Where the hell is she?!" She yelled. Once she made eye contact with me, she started to walk towards me.

"YOU" She growled at me

"I appreciate the knocking" I sassed

"And I appreciate you not playing Emily, but I guess we dont get what we want"

"Who says I'm playing her?"

"Oh cut the shit Ali. Emily's a sweet innocent girl, and you just bulldozed all over her heart"

"Wait how did you know that she bailed on Emily?" Aria asks Cece

"Well i have this thing called 'Dilaurentis just fucked up' alert in my brain, and it sends me alerts every time Alison fucks up" Cece turned to Aria and she nodded.

"Wheres Hanna?" Spencer asks

"She had this emergency about Amy" Cece sounded annoyed

"Wait why would--" Aria began to say but Cece cuts her off

"Stop changing the subject god dammit!" She yelled

"Why would you break poor Emily's heart" Cece continued. I just looked down on the floor and didn't say a word. Cede studied my face closely and looked at my body language while she had a confused look on her face. A couple seconds later her eyes widened and let out a sigh.

"You're afraid you might hurt her again aren't you?" Cece says with an understanding tone. While i gave her a sympathetic look.

"How did you figure that out just by looking at her?" Spencer asks

"Look at her, she's facing down. If you look closely she has a slight of guilt in her eyes. What els would she be guilty about? Of course she's guilty about hurting Emily. And when you look at her body language, you could tell she was scared. so i just put two pieces together" Cece explained

"Look Alison, she said she loved you right?" Aria asked and I nodded

"If she loves you and she allows you to be in her life, it only means she's ready to get hurt, because getting hurt is part of love. So if Emily admitted to herself that she loves you, then that means she's allowing you to hurt her" Aria walks over to me and puts her hand on top of mine.

"I dont think i could ever live with myself knowing I have the power to hurt her"

"So what now Alison? you're just gonna shut her out because you're scared to hurt her?" Spencer says

"You do know even if you're not together you would still be hurting her? because she knows that she's friends with a person she knows she could never have. A couple weeks from now she might look fine but you know that every time she sees you its killing her inside" Cece says with force

"So are you gonna stop being her friend too? because apparently together or not you're hurting her. So are you gonna stop being her friend too" Spencer says

"If thats what it takes then Yes"

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