Cece Drake Is Back

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Alison's POV

Emily was tearing up so she decided to run out of the bathroom

"Why are you so fucking stupid Alison" I screamed to myself while I kicked one of the bathroom stalls. I held my leg hoping it would decrease the pain. When the door opened.

"Girl Trouble?" Cece asked with a sincere smile.

"You have no idea" I ran and hugged her.


Cece's POV

We sat down on the table and set our food down. I decided to take Ali to the mall to get her mind of off things, such as the famous Emily Fields.

"So how did you know i needed this?"

"Hanna called me, she said i was probably the only one who could keep you from turning into,Alison Dilaurentis"

"What do you mean?"

"Lets face it Ali, without Emily trying to keep you sane. You would go Kim Kardashian on everyone" I Chuckled

"Thats not true I dont need Emily around to be nice" She gave me a glare

"Lets find out shall we?" I took my drink, and put it on the edge of the table next to her handbag and smirked at her

"Wait, what are you doing?" She looked at me with wide eyes

"Testing if you could be nice without your sweet sweet Emily"

"How is that gonna help--" She stopped when I "accidentally" tripped a guy which caused him to hit the drink and it poured all over her hand bag.

"WHAT THE FUCK. THIS IS PRADA" She yelled at the Guy.

"I-I didnt mean to" He stuttered. And I smirked while the bitch finally came out

"WHATS YOUR NAME" Alison said to the guy with force.

"My- My name is Jake, Jake Raudenfeld"

"Youre Amy's sister?" I Asked

"You Know her?" He turned to face me.

"Yeah she dated her" I said pointing to Alison

"Okay listen here punk, I dont give a fuck who your sister is. And I could care less about what town you came from. But here in Rosewood. I run this town. So if you ever come near me again. ill kick your ass back to Texas" Alison said with a bitchy tone

"How did you know I was from texas" He said sheepishly

"Like I said she dated your sister. God, do you ever listen?" I snapped at him

"Yes" He answered


"Im sorry" He looked down

"Now get out of here before she rips you apart" I yelled at him and he ran for the exit.

"So whats up?" I asked Alison

"You just ruined my Prada bag and youre just gonna act like nothing happened"

"I was just proving a point" I shrugged

"You didnt have to ruin my bag!"

"If Emily was here you wouldve just let him go without even saying a word"

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