I like her

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(Alison's POV)

"Woah what happened your cheek?" I joked

Autumn turned around immediately and had a apologetic look on her face.

"Well there's this girl that I really liked. I accidentally called her a bitch. well don't get me wrong she was being one. and I don't know what to do know because I was really looking forward to that date"

"Well I think she forgives you. and I'm really sorry for slapping you. I've been called worse but the feeling of you calling me a bitch kinda shocked me"

"It's okay I deserved it" Autumn pulled me into a hug. and I saw Emily smiling.

"Hey Alison, I was wondering are we still on for our date"

"Well of course how els would I know if you're a great kisser" I winked at her

"Well I don't know if you remember but we've kissed before" she smirked

"Yeah i dont really. I guess I forgot how it felt like" I shrugged

"Well let me refresh your brain it went a little like this" she walked towards me and connected our lips. oh my. no joke it felt amazing. I pulled away because we're not actually alone.

"I'll pick you up at 7?" She asked

"But it's 4:30 I barely have time to make myself presentable" I pout

"You always look presentable" she kissed my cheek and left the brew. I was blushing so hard I looked like a tomato. Fuck my feeling for her are coming back.


Right after Autumn left I told Emily to drop me off immediately. and I got ready for my date.

The night went by smoothly. I got to know Autumn more. and I love hanging out with her. in fact the date was so much fun were going on a second date. She's an amazing person. but of course I couldn't put my walls down. don't get me wrong she's amazing, beautiful, kind. but just because I have a little crush on her doesn't mean she understands me. It took Spencer, Hanna, Emily, and Aria 3 years to break down my walls. and I don't think a date will be enough for Autumn although she's amazing. I can't let her in. She has the power to break me.


(Emily's POV)

After I dropped Alison off I went to a night club to have some... fun. I pretty much can't do anything. The girl I'm in love with is on a date with that.. doppel ganger. Even though it's my fault for getting them back together. I hate her, she's stealing everything from me. First my friends, now Alison. I needed a place to have some fun for once.

When I arrived at the club the music was loud. you could smell sweat and alcohol all over the place. I sat at the bar and ordered a couple of shots. It took the bartender a couple of minutes before he could bring me my shots. I took the first two and drank them. it burned my throat. I don't usually drink. I only drink when I'm mad, sad, or just bored.

Suddenly a hot guy sat next to me, he had blonde hair and grey eyes.

"Hey, I'm jake" he bit his lip

"Emily" I responded

"You're hot" he looked at me from head to toe.

"And youre" I pause while I looked at him from head to toe. "not my type" I continued.

"Playing hard to get I see"

Suddenly a blonde girl with blueish grey eyes came up to me.

"Beat it. you're creeping her out. can't you take a hint? You're. not. her. type" she popped the 'p'
I chuckled at her comment

"Whatever Amy. you two can fuck each other" jake stood up and left.

"You know that's actually a great idea thanks for the tip" she yelled at jake. and she suddenly sat down where jake used to be.

"Thanks for the save blondie" I winked at her

"No problem. I'm Amy" she smiled

"Emily" I smiled back. "so how do you know that dick?" I asked chuckling

"That 'dick' is my brother" she had a serious look on her face.

"Oh I-I-I'm so-sorry I didn't mean to"

"It's okay. he's a dick I know I live with him. it doesn't offend me you gotta chill" she said putting her hands on my shoulders.

"So what are you doing here blondie?"

"Well I just wanted some fun. and what's a better way to have fun than being with Emily--"

"Fields" I cut her off smiling

"Thanks for that" she smiled back

"No problem. and your last name is??"


"Cute last name" I smirked

"I could say the same to you"

"I've never seen you around before did you just move? " I asked

"Actually, yes, I just moved from Texas"

"That's cool. my dad is stationed at Texas"

"Your dad is in the military?" She crunched her eyebrows


"Wow never expected that"we both laughed. The conversation went great she's funny, nice, and beautiful.

"So what did you mean when you said my brother's not your type?"

"Well I'm not interested in guys"

"So you're gay?" She asked looking at then floor


"I'm so glad you said that" she leaned in and kissed me. at first I was shock by then I eventually kissed back. her lips are amazing and she smells like strawberries. she pulled away so that our foreheads are touching.

"I've been wanting to do that since I saw you walk through the door" she said out of breath. I giggled.

"You're a very good kisser" I winked

"Can I take you home" she asked touching my hand.

"It sounds like you're asking me to sleep with you" I said while I gave her a confused look.

"No I just really want to drive you home" she smiled

"That sounds great" I smiled

We got up and eventually we reached her black Harley. (a motorcycle)

"Nice bike" I said sliding my hands against the seat.

"Hop in" she gave me a helmet and we drove off.


When we finally reached my house I got off of her motorcycle and gave her back her helmet. She did the same. And we walked till we reached my front door.

"Thanks for the ride" I said tucking a strand of hair behind ear.

"You could pay me back by giving me your number and going on a date with me?"she smiled.

"Smooth" I squinted my eyes. we exchanged phone numbers and said our goodbyes.

As soon as she left I went inside the house and leaned against the wall. i think I like her. I smiled at my thoughts



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