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It's another beautiful Saturday morning and a certain brunette is getting ready to go on a date for the first time with his mystery online boyfriend.

They've been dating for three months and this would be their first time meeting face to face.

The brunette was so excited to see the person that has been leaving constant blushes, smiles and giggles on his face.

He isn't in love with his boyfriend yet but he's looking forward to it after their date.

After checking himself out for the ninth time in the mirror he felt good and confident about his look.

The date wasn't until 1 pm and it was 11:30 am so he decided to pass some time by chatting with his best friend.
(Italics are for his best friend)

"Hey chim how are you?!"

"I'm good tae n you?!"

"I'm both excited and nervous about this date Chim!!!😩"

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you, you know just to be safe"

"No jimin that's not necessary, I'll be fine..... It's not like I'm going to meet a serial killer or something"

"That's exactly why I need to come with you, cause we don't know if this guy is a serial killer or worse a human trafficker tae!!!"

"Just chill if I feel weird about the guy I'll just send you an SOS..... plus I've already sent you the location, Haven't I?!"

"Yes I know......but I just feel you being alone with a stranger is just too risky. What if you send an SOS and neither I nor the police get there on time huh? Then what tae?!"

"Relax Chim..... Nothing like that's gonna happen okay, I'll be fine and don't forget I know how to defend myself"

"I know but I can't help but worry,... just promise to call me immediately you get there and after you leave okay tae?!"

"I promise chim!! Now let's talk about you, what are your plans for today"

The best friends kept chatting until Tae had to go for his date since it was nearly 1 p.m.

When his cab arrived he rushed downstairs and left the house but not before ensuring the doors were locked properly.

Taehyung arrived at the location where the date was to be held. He got down and paid the cab driver before walking towards the cafe.

It was a small cafe on the outskirts of town.

He took a deep breath and walked towards the cafe doors but it was locked.

He tried calling his boyfriend, thinking he had sent the wrong address but he didn't pick up.

He called Jimin and informed him about his current situation and Jimin advised him to go back home immediately but before Tae could call a cab, someone placed a white clothing on his face covering his nose and mouth, which made him in hail the chemical on it and then he passed out.

The man carried Tae into a black Mercedes placed him on the back seat of the car and locked the door.

He proceeded to the driver's seat and started driving to his next destination.


It was already 8 pm and Jimin still hadn't heard anything from Tae, which was making him worried as hell.

He kept calling Tae's phone but it was switched off, so he decided to go to his friend's house which was only a few streets away from his.

After driving for about 5mins he finally arrived at Tae's flat and walked towards the door.

He nocked and nocked while calling out for Tae but he got no response, so he decided to use his spare key to open the door.

He got into the house but the whole place was dark, which was strange cause Tae hates staying in the dark.

This only made Jimin more worried, he rushed up the stairs to Tae's room but no one was there and he started panicking.

He called Tae's mom and asked if Tae was with her and his dad but she said he wasn't and asked Jimin to call their other friends which he did immediately after ending the call with Tae's mom.

He called all their close friends but none of them had seen Tae and this scared Jimin making his face go pale.

He called Tae's mom and informed her and she too got very worried.

She tried calming Jimin down and asked him to go file a report at the police station, while she informed her husband about the situation at hand and Jimin immediately ran out of tae's house and headed to the police station but not before locking the door properly.


Jimin got to the station and informed the officer about his missing friend and they told him to come back after it's been exactly 24hrs since his friend had gone Missing.

Jimin got pissed and yelled at them, they tried to make him calm but he wasn't having it and he called Tae's mom and told her everything.

She asked Jimin to hand the phone over to the officer which he did.

Jimin doesn't know what she told him but he was grateful because the officer immediately filed the report and asked for Tae's picture which he sent to the officer and then headed to his boyfriend's house, cause he knew he wouldn't be able to stay alone due to how worried he was.


"Wake up pretty boy and eat, you'll need all the strength you can get." A tall young handsome revenett said while tapping Tae's face.

"Who are you and, where am I?!" Tae asked as he blinked his eyes open, only to find himself in a small room with a buff man in front of him.

"Awww, how disappointing..... you can't even recognize what your boyfriend wanted," the revenett said feigning sadness.

"J... Jung...jungkook?!" Tae asked unsurely.

"Ah yes my darling it's your one and only JK sweetheart" the revenett said with a sicking smile on his face.

"Now eat, we don't need you dying on me, now do we baby?!" The revenett asked the brunette who just stared at him with confusion.

Tae was still trying to process everything that was happening at that moment.

"Why, why am I here JK?!" He asked confused.

"Ah, you're here to please me, baby," the revenett said with a smirk on his face.

"Please you?, How?, What do you mean by please you Jk?!" He asked still confused.

"Just eat and shut that pretty mouth of yours, you'll find out soon don't worry baby!" The revenett said

"You must be joking?!" The brunette said in disbelief.

"Nope, you see V I hate explaining myself........ So please save your question for when I'll care now eat and freshen up I'll be back in an hour OK Love?!" He said and exited the room.

Tae just looked at the retreating back of his supposed boyfriend with tears and regret in his eyes. If only he had listened to Jimin, he thought but he had no option for now than to see what his so-called boyfriend wanted From him.


First chapter 💜✨ How was it.



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