Your power

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"Wake the fuck up you dumb whore" one of the guys who captured me started yelling at me.

How long had it been? Hours? Or even days?

I slowly tried to open my eyes and realised how serious the situation really was.

Tied to a chair, I felt blood dripping down my face and I couldn't see shit. It took some time for my eyes to adjust to the light.

A few minutes passed and I realised I was in the basement, meaning the chances of my group finding me were almost equal to zero.

"Where is your power now...sweetheart?"

Giving him an answer would have caused me more trouble, so I stayed silent. But the way he pronounced the last word made me sick, though I was not the one who would give up so easily.

"How does it feel to lose it all?"

"Ask your men" I couldn't hold myself anymore.

The smirk on his face disappeared and I could see his rage building up.

"Oh wait, I killed them, my bad" knowing I had nothing else to lose I said those words.

"Do you even know who I am?" he whispered, his face close to mine. I could feel him breathing.

"A man with an ugly nose" I stared at his eyes and started smiling.

After constant punches to my face and body, the leader started speaking to me again.

"You wanna talk now?"

"Honestly I just want to take a piss" I muttered.

The way he looked at me, I knew he wanted to do things to me. But instead of hurting me even more, he just left the room.

My greatest enemy now was with me. My thoughts.

I always tried to spend my time with others. Not talking, just listening.

I always tried to distract myself. Maybe that is the main reason why me and Ghost never really got close, we weren't even friends. Just two killers too afraid to share their personal life.

I was convinced he hated me. He never looked at me the way I wanted him to. Just pure hatred, nothing else. I never really got a chance to talk to him, so I couldn't understand why he avoided me so much.

But if we hadn't had that argument before this mission started, I wouldn't be overthinking.

But maybe there was another reason.

His little secret.

After some time, my thoughts were interrupted by some footsteps.

And it was the leader. This time with a knife and a camera in his hands.

"Hello, sweetheart. Miss me?" He started videotaping.


"Don't be a pussy and get your shit together" I answered him in a rude way. I knew Soap would be proud of me. Maybe even Ghost.

"Are those really gonna be your last words, sweetheart?"

"Go suck your own co..." Before I even got a chance to finish the sentence, he dug the knife down the side of my face. A lovely scar – that was all.

"Jokes on you, I am into that stuff" Seductive whispers had always been my thing.

"Don't be so stupid, love, you don't want your friends to find you dead, now do you?"

So he might not be planning to kill me, I thought. 

But before I could even continue, he stabbed me in the abdomen. I didn't expect that, but the thought of me finally dying brought me comfort. I had only a few minutes, maybe even hours, but I knew nobody was coming to save me. So what was the point in trying my luck to survive? 

"Are you into that?"

It was a shame I couldn't do anything. 

But the distant shooting distracted me. At first I was pretty sure I was hallucinating, but the change in his face convinced me I was not.

Was it my squad?

Was it Ghost?  

He immediately rushed out of the basement leaving me there lifeless and without any hope.

I was ready to accept my fate.

I closed my eyes not noticing a masked man standing right in front of me.

Your Addiction, Simon Ghost Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now