Hell or Paradise

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Few months later


I slowly opened my eyes, feeling the warmth of the morning sun on my face. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes, trying to shake off the grogginess. I stretched my arms above my head and let out a contented sigh. It was a beautiful day outside, and I couldn't wait to get started so I swung my legs out of bed and felt the cool hardwood floor beneath my feet.

I stood up and took a few steps toward the bathroom. I walked over to the shower, turned on the faucet, and waited for the water to warm up.

The feeling of water on my skin was invigorating. I closed my eyes and let the water wash over me, feeling the tension disappear. Taking deep breaths and exhaling let me feel a sense of calm settle over me.

After several minutes, I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around myself.

I picked up my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth, looking at myself in the mirror. Despite the weariness etched on my face, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

I had been through so much, and yet there I was, still standing.

As I rinsed out my mouth and spat into the sink, I made a silent vow to myself. I would take care of myself, both physically and mentally.

I thought maybe one day I would look in the mirror and see someone who I truly loved.


As I moved down the stairs, the smell of breakfast wafted toward me, making my stomach growl.

And as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw Simon standing in the kitchen, flipping pancakes on the stove. He looked up and saw me, a smile spreading across his masked face.

"Good morning, sweetheart" He greeted me, setting down the spatula and walking over to me.

"Good morning, love" I replied, returning his smile.

He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and then went back to tending to the pancakes. I watched as he worked, marveling at the ease with which he seemed to move around the kitchen. Simon had always been an amazing cook, and I felt lucky to have him in my life.

As I took a seat at the table, Simon placed a plate of pancakes in front of me. They were golden brown and fluffy, with a pat of butter melting on top. My mouth watered as I picked up my fork and dug in.

The pancakes were delicious, with a hint of vanilla and cinnamon. I savored each bite, enjoying the warmth of the food and the company of my love.

It was moments like those that made me feel grateful for everything I had in my life.


Shortly after Simon woke up from his coma, the colors of my life changed immediately. The darkness that had been lingering in my life was replaced with the bright light of hope. I was filled with joy and optimism and I was ready to share my life with Simon again.

And just as I wanted, both of us took a few months off to escape all the pain and suffering. Simon agreed that the countryside near the coast would bring me peace as I loved the sensation of the sun kissing my skin and the water surrounding my body.

Though I have to admit that sadness washed over me the day we left. Soap was more than relieved to know that both of us were doing better. However, he didn't want his two best friends to be away from him so we promised to stay in touch and keep each other updated.


The countryside was stunning, with rolling hills covered in a patchwork of green and gold fields. The grasses swayed in the wind, creating an endless wave-like motion across the landscape. In the distance, we could see the sparkling blue of the ocean, its waves crashing against the shore.

Every day the air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers and the chirping of birds. The weather was always mild, with a light breeze blowing in from the sea. The sky used to be pale blue, with a few fluffy white clouds drifting lazily overhead.

Our cottage was a cozy little home nestled in a clearing, surrounded by tall trees that provided ample shade and privacy. It was far from any other house, which suited us just fine. There was a small porch wrapped around the front of the house, with two rocking chairs positioned to take in the view of the distant ocean.

Each evening we could hear waves crashing on the shore, and birds chirping in the trees. We spent many happy days together in our little cottage, enjoying the tranquility and peacefulness of the area.

That was the life I had always dreamed of, wished for.

And just like that, the thought of leaving Task 1-4-1 came back to me once again. I knew that if I stayed, I would be able to have the life I wanted.

But would Simon ever do something like that?

Would he leave his job for me?

Even though I had not a single worry in my life, those questions would start to race and keep me up at night. 

I wanted to trust him but I was too scared to tell him how I felt.  

I wanted to believe in us, but I was afraid of being hurt. 

I wanted to take the leap, but I was too scared of the unknown.

I was at a crossroads, too scared to take a step, to choose the right path.

Because I knew one wrong turn could lead me either to my Hell or Paradise.

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