Gentle touches

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Minutes, hours, days, weeks. Despite the fact that time passed faster than ever before, I was still drowning in the depths of my soul.

Life had never been so gray and gloomy for Simon, so full of worry and regret. Like a real ghost, like my personal shadow, he never left my side and spent every free minute with me. But only at night, when everyone was asleep and the world was quiet. That was the only time he would sneak out to see me.

He spent every moment right next to me, watching me breathe and thanking fate that I was still by his side. He would talk about his day or other missions, and sometimes he would even mention his past. This kind of monologue lasted for a whole month, until he finally stopped visiting me. But only later I found out that he had to leave for a few weeks.

And it might have been coincidence or fate playing with me - I had no idea what to call it.

Because I woke up the day Simon left.

"What in the bloody hell?" those were the first words that came out of my mouth after such a long time.

The first thing that came into my mind was that I had died. That white ceiling and blinding lighting created an illusion that I was dead and imagining everything, that I was in heaven.

But it was real. Everything that happened between me and Simon that month was real.

"Simon..?" I whispered and hoped he was in the room. But he wasn't. The man who I needed the most at that moment was somewhere far away, having no idea that his love was finally awake.

I don't remember exactly what happened next. Only that as soon as the doctors burst into my room, I began to fall back into sleep. I could hear them talking to me, asking me so many questions but I was too weak to open my eyes again. I could feel my consciousness fade away as I kept repeating Ghost's name.


It was early in the morning when I woke up again. I remember seeing a clear sky with no clouds at all. The sun was already high. I felt my entire body being warmed by it.

The moment the sunlight fell into my eyes, I raised my left hand and covered my face. There was so much light in the room that I could even see flying dust. That morning was so peaceful and so lovely. I felt like I got another chance to live.

However, when I tried to stand up to look out the window, I felt pain all over my body. The memories of that cursed night came flooding back into my mind. I touched that part of my chest where I was shot. Instead of feeling sad, I was proud of myself for being such a fighter.

Once I'd regained my strength, I slowly got up and walked up to the window. I opened it and felt fresh air fill my lungs, that light breeze touch my body. The distant sounds of soldiers training and chatting, the melody of birds chirping created such an atmosphere that I couldn't find any words to describe it.

Finally I got back to my bed and tried to fall asleep, but the thoughts of seeing Simon didn't leave me. I tried to recall every word he said to me, every story that he shared with me but it was too difficult to do that. I remembered only some parts of his stories. His sweet words and promises.

I was so excited to see him again even though I had no idea where he was.

I waited like this until I heard someone open the door. I immediately closed my eyes. But after the doctor began to examine my body, I opened them and began following her every move.

The soft and comforting voice reached my ears as she said, "I am glad to see you here with us"

"How long have I been unconscious for?"

Your Addiction, Simon Ghost Riley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now