Far, far away

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The morning came and so a new day began.

The sun was shining brightly, warming the sky and lighting up the world with its beautiful rays. Birds were singing and the air was fresh and crisp.

And no matter how much I wanted the team to stay with us, it was time for them to return to the base. We waved goodbye while they drove away and as I watched them leave, I felt a pang of sorrow.

I knew it would be a long time before I saw them again.

I secretly hoped it wouldn't be the last time I saw them go.


Second after second, minute after minute I found myself thinking about what Price had told me to do. I couldn't focus on anything else and it seemed like the fear of the unknown was slowly consuming me.

I thought what if he was right and I was wrong?

What if he was wrong and I was right?

I felt so lost, so torn between my heart and my mind. On one hand, I wanted to believe that Simon would support me and my dreams, that we could find a way to make it work. But on the other hand, what if Price was right?

What if I was just holding onto a fantasy, a dream that could never come true?

The more I thought about it, the more confused and scared I became. Price had left, and I was completely alone with my thoughts, my doubts, and my fears. I knew I had to talk to Simon, to tell him how I felt, but I didn't know how to do it. I didn't want to hurt him or push him away, but I also couldn't keep pretending that everything was okay.

But after all, wasn't this who I really was?

Wasn't I a masked shadow without an owner, wandering around the world, trying to find the real me?

Wasn't I just a dreamer, chasing after impossible things, reaching for a reality that seemed to exist only far, far away?

Somewhere far, far away...


Simon and I were picnicking on the grassy hillside, looking out at the beautiful view of the nearby lake. We packed a basket of freshly picked strawberries, apples, and croissants. The sky was bright blue, with only a few white clouds floating lazily above us, the sun was shining and the birds were singing, and it was the perfect afternoon for a romantic escape.

Then suddenly our peace was interrupted by Foap.

The puppy began to bark and run after a butterfly, chasing it around the hillside. His tail was wagging and his tongue was lolling out of his mouth with excitement, clearly, Foap was having the time of his life. We laughed as we watched him run, and it felt like a scene from a painting.

"Here, this is for you" With a warm smile on his face Simon handed me a small flower.

Without noticing, Simon had picked a bright daisy, with a golden center and petals that were soft pink. He carefully plucked it from the grass and gently gave it to me, showing his love and appreciation.

"You know how to melt my heart" I said as I examined the flower, making sure not to damage it so I could later dry it.

So I could cherish it forever till I die.

"I can't believe I've made you such a softie" I chuckled and smiled.

"Come here, you..." Simon wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer, closing the gap between us.

I lay on top of him, feeling his warmth, and nestled my head into his chest. I could hear Simon's heart beating and feel his chest rise and fall as he breathed. His hands were intertwined in my hair, and I could feel love radiating from him and surrounding me.


As the day turned into night, Simon and I lay on a blanket, stargazing at the clear sky. The stars were bright, twinkling like diamonds, and the moon was full, casting a gentle glow on the world below.

"I wish we could stay here forever" I said, my voice soft and dreamy.

"To be up there with the stars, far, far away from the chaos of the world below" I continued as I felt a sense of longing in my heart.

"I wish I could float among them, weightless and free, surrounded by infinity" I took a deep breath of the cold night air as I yearned for the peace I knew I could find only up there.

Simon turned his head to look at me, his eyes glistening in the moonlight.

"If you were up there, among the stars, I wouldn't have gotten a chance to fall in love with such a beautiful soul" He said, his voice tender and sincere.

But Simon's words hit me hard, like a punch to the gut. Deep down, I knew I was not the person he thought I was.

I felt a lump form in my throat, and I turned my head away, unable to meet his gaze. Tears stung my eyes as I realized how much I had been hiding from everyone, including myself. I had been living a lie, afraid to show my true self to the world.

Deep down, I knew I could never change.

"But there is so much you don't know about me. I'm not who you think I am" I spoke softly, almost inaudibly.

"Who you are is enough for me" He said, reaching out to take my hand in his.

At that moment, I was filled with overwhelming guilt and shame. I felt like a fraud, a terrible person. I couldn't escape the truth, no matter how hard I tried.

I was someone else.

Nothing more and nothing less.

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