Janson's Trail

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That Sunday Jade somehow managed to find a neurologist that was open on Sundays. They had accessed that Jade's concussion was clearly a stage four concussion. Jade had expressed the need to be healed from this to return to flight status for training and a vital mission. When the doctor asked how important this mission was, Jade answered life or death and that the Admiral could vouch for this. The neurologist concluded that as long as Jade did the most she could - by doing the least - she should easily be healed by then. After that it was just a matter of becoming fit enough - mentally - to get back in the cockpit. He even suggested that if worse came to worse float tanks could be introduced, due to the amount her brain would be thinking of these stressful topics, he suggested this might be just what an overworked Jade needed. 

That was Sunday however, and today was Monday morning. Jade would directly be disobeying her doctor today and doing so until the trial was over. As a witness and victim of the incident, she must be there, along with Bradley to testify and listen to the proceedings. She almost must testify as Janson's wingman. It was summer now, so the whites had to be worn. Damn did the house full of pilots look fine as they all walked to the courthouse in their whites. 

Jade and Bradley sat at the back of the courthouse, along with Pete, Jake, Emma, and Parrot. They all waited nervously, Bradley's hands over Jade's ears to block out the loud noises of the courtroom, opting eventually to put in some earplugs to mute the noise. 

[I don't usually do Author's notes, but please please please understand that I am an English Major working through finals right now. So now that I know nothing about Law only a few terms, and I'm doing so much research for school as it is. This is my MY work I thought of that I somehow decided to share with you so please be kind and recognize that.]

Soon the court called upon Jade, "Your honor, as to relieve any pain they might be experiencing only just beginning the recovery from the consequences of this incident, we call Lieutenant Jade Nicolas Mitchell to the stand." 

Jade stood up slowly and made her way to the front of the room. It was a slow process, she had to pause halfway up the aisle. The bruises along her side were easily forgotten about in the previous day's events, but her entire left side had been bruised. She was feeling that now. After pausing the second time, Norman stepped up from one of the isles and escorted her to the stand. They hurried along with the oath and allowed Jade to sit down. 

The Lawyer - give Jade a break she knew how to fly a jet, not run a courtroom - began the questioning, "How are you, today Lieutenant?" 

Jade cringed, the voice louder as she sat in the elevated spot, "I only just got out of the hospital... obviously not well." 

The Lawyer - wasn't a mean one - she understood that Jade wasn't feeling well and to not press any argumentative calls, "I'm sorry to hear that Lieut. Mitchell, hopefully, we can get you to a quieter place soon. Answer my questions and we will do just that. Sound like a deal?" Jade nodded at this, lightly so as to not exaggerate the spinning already occurring. The lawyer continued, " Renegade if I may, is it correct that you gave Lieut. Janson your exact position before the incident occurred?" 

Jade sighed, "yes, I did. My RIO can confirm." 

The woman continued, "did you move from this positioning without alerting Janson?" 

Jade responded, "No, the only difference was that Admiral Beau had dropped out, but my coordinates and positioning did not change, only Captain Mavericks. Once again, my RIO can confirm my coordinates." 

The lawyer nodded at this looking at her notes before continuing, "Simply for the state of confirming, your RIO on this hop was who exactly? I see you don't normally fly with one" 

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