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malia_valentina added to their story.

malia_valentina added to their story

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Heartbroken would be a fucking understatement of how Malia felt in that moment. She had never truly thought on what would happen down the line in her relationship with Kylian, she just took each thing day by day. 

Yet there she was very much speeding, down a 30mph road with mascara rolling down her cheeks as she made her way to her brothers house with the weeknd blasting through the car speakers.

She was unaware of the paparazzi that suddenly surrounded her as she parked her car outside the rather large house and walked out with her hand blocking her face from the bright lights of camera flashing.

"Malia! Is it true you and Kylian have broken up?!" A man asked behind a large camera hiding his face.

"Malia, are you coming to support your brother for his potentially last  World Cup?!"  Another women yelled.

Malia had grown so used to this feeling but today, she just couldn't do it.

Maybe it was the fact that she had been broken up with over the phone, or maybe she was just sick of it.

The girl scurried her way to the gate as she pressed the buzzer to be allowed in.
She made her way up the stairs to the main entrance and knocked.
She was welcomed by Georgina with a look of sympathy on her face.
Malia walked over to Georgina and embraced her in a hug. 
An embrace she longed so much for in that moment.

"I was so stupid for believing any word he said G." Malia mumbled through the woman's shoulder.

"It's okay Malia, we all knew you were too good for him." Georgina replied as she stroked the girls hair in order to comfort her as she let out quiet weeps.

𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 - neymar 𝗷𝗿Where stories live. Discover now