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Malia and Neymar woke up early the next morning after their date the night prior.

Their management both agreeing to a shoot the two were somewhat forced to do, meant that they couldn't sleep in for once.

"Do you even know what we're shooting for?" Neymar asked Malia in the car.

"I have no clue." Malia shrugged back as they arrived to the location.

The two walked into the building, being greeted by some staff who took them to their own rooms to change and do hair and makeup.

"So what's this for again?" Malia asked the makeup artist.

"A Calvin Klein shoot for their new underwear." The lady explained.

"Oh." Malia sighed.

Neymar had seen her in little to no clothes before, but she couldn't help but feel nervous being naked in front of a camera with Neymar.

She was a model, of course she's been naked in front of people before, but Malia felt like this was an invasion of privacy of some sort.
She liked to keep her 'love' life private anyways, which couldn't be done when fake dating a footballer.

"All ready." The lady stated making the girl slip off the chair and change into the underwear.

Malia walked into the studio, where she was to pose with the boy who was already in the room on his phone.

"É por isso que eles não nos disseram sobre o que era." Neymar stated to the girl in Portuguese so the others wouldn't understand.
(This is why they didn't tell us what the shoot was about.)

"Agora faz sentido né?" Malia replied making Neymar smile sympathetically.
(Now it makes sense,right?)

"Okay guys, I want you two do just give off the chemistry you already have to the camera okay?"  The photographer explained to the couple.

The two began to pose awkwardly trying to gain comfort in what they were doing. Occasionally giving eachother side eyes.

"Okay guys move closer together, I want Malia holding onto Neymar's lower waist and now Neymar you wrap your arms around Malia's back."  The woman instructed.

The two posed, later tripping over eachothers legs and laughing.

"Can we please hold focus guys." The lady asked rather harshly.

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