1 Meeting 

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(I don't own all the characters and some of the dialogue and some other stuff but I own (Y/n) and her story and some other stuff)

(Y/n), is a 16 year old girl living in a magical land. Her mother died in front of her and her father left her when she was 10. Some people took her in but were not kind, they used her for work and gave her nothing. One dark cold night, 6 years later (Y/n) ran away, and went deep into the woods.

The wind nipped her skin, not knowing where she was heading. All she new was she couldn't go back.

She'd been running for a couple hours, the only sound were the twigs and leaves under her feet. Shivers crawled up her back as she kept going, never stopping.


I keep running my muscles aching from exhaustion. till suddenly my body made impact with something. I fall back hitting the ground scratching my arm on a stick.
I look up to see the figure of a boy standing above me his brilliant green eyes shine in the moonlight.

"Oh, my apologies," He offers me his hand and pulls me to my feet, steadying me, "I'm Peter, Peter Pan. Are you alright beautiful?"

"I'm (Y/n), and I wouldn't exactly say I'm alright, but at the moment I'd say I'm physically alright. Any way  if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing out here so late ?"

"Well I could say the same about you." Peter smiles.

We walk through the woods and talk for a long time. Peter, telling me stories about a land called Neverland, a place filled with magic, freedom, and for people like me and I told him about my life. Us walking through the forest talking and laughing that was the happiest I have ever felt in a long time, I felt warmth, joy, belonging, and strangely safety.
I made my decision about what I was to do.

"I'll go, I'll go with you to Neverland, Peter!" I say, suddenly turning to him.

"You will?"

"Yes." I smile filled with excitement.

"Then take my hand." Peter says holding out his hand and I take it.

As my feet hit the ground I smile and turn to Peter, I felt so free and excited.

"(Y/n), welcome to Neverland."

    "It's wonderful!" I smile at him, and run forward a bit spinning around once before facing Peter.

    "Glad you like it, because it's your home now." He says.

With out much thought I run up and hug Peter, a moment later he gently hugs me back.

    "Now, why don't I show you the magic of Neverland." Peter said. I nod and he grabs my hand and we run.

Neverland, it was wonderful we spent many years there. It took a while for him to admit his love for me, but he was still definitely not shy. We eventually decided to get the Lost Boys.
I was the only one apart from Pan that was freely able to leave Neverland even though Peter never wanted me to leave him. He never wanted to lose me, but he trusted me enough to come back to Neverland. I have only left twice, unless you count my Shadow in that case the count is much higher, but I myself have only left twice alone and always returned within a day/night.
Over time I found out I had magic but I never wanted to use it so I hid it. I just used the magic of belief in the island that I was also gifted with. Peter told me almost every thing, he even told me about his Son.
We trusted each other, and I was the one and only thing more important to him than Neverland, his power, his youth, and his life, not even his son was that important to him.

Everything was perfect in Neverland. But I could tell there was something up with Peter.

We were walking in the woods just the two of us and I stopped.

"Peter, what's the matter?"

"Nothing. what are you talking about love?" He gives me a confused look says and starts to walk again.

"Peter, Peter Pan! There's something you're not telling me." I demand.

He turns around, "(Y/n), I'm dying." His voice is truth.

"No, that's impossible." I stutter.

"The spell that made me young it won't last forever, I will die, unless, unless I get the heart of the truest believer." He hands me a scroll.

I unroll it and see the face of a young Boy, I close the scroll. I go up and kiss Peter.

"Well, I guess we're gonna have to find a heart."

(The next one will be longer)

Peter Pan, True Love // Peter x Y/n // OUATWhere stories live. Discover now