6 Wendy

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When I wake up I see Peter beside me.

"How are you feeling?" Peter asks.

"Better." I say sitting up in bed.

"I'll never let that happen again."

    "It's not your fault, Peter." I hold his hand, "So, what did you do when I slept?"

"I talked to Hook, and paid a visit to Bae in his cage, then talked to my Son." Peter tells me.  "But it would get have been more fun with you. Oh.. Hook also asked about you."

Peter helps me out of bed and we kiss, he pushes my back against the wall and puts his hands around my waist and I put my arms around his neck.

After a bit we walk out of the hut and go far off over to the cages. Peter pulls out his spyglass.

"Look at them go." Peter says as he hands me his spyglass. I take a quick look before handing it back. "So determined to find their missing friend."

"Speaking of that friend, what shall we do with Neal?" Felix asks as he now stands beside Peter.

"It's time to move him. Take him to the Echo Cave. The game is about to get interesting." Peter says.

Peter, I and Felix sit on a log in front a small fire. Peter sharpens a stick with his knife as I sit beside him deep in thought, and Felix on his other side. Suddenly Peter inhales sharply and sits up. I put my hand on his.

    "What is it?" I ask.

    "Someone's leaving Neverland." Peter answers and puts down his stick before squeezing my hand.

    "Where? How shall we stop them?" Felix asks.

    "It's too late. Don't worry, Felix. We simply need to get word to our friends on the ground." Peter says.

    "The Darling's?" I say.

    "In Storybrooke?" Felix questions.

    "They can handle this. All it does is move up our timetable a touch. We need to get Henry ready." Peter stands up dropping my hand as he looks at me, "Then you need to have a chat with our friend in the other cage." Peter then turns to look behind us where the cage is hanging.
Peter and Felix walk back to camp as I go over to the now lowered cage. I open the door and offer my hand

    "Am I, am I free." Wendy asks weakly.

    "No, not yet Wendy." I say and she takes my hand.

Considering Wendy has always just stayed in the cage we still became good friends, also she was one of the two girls not counting me on the island that I could talk to.

    "How are you feeling?"

     "You've kept me in a cage for a century. I can say, I have been better." Wendy said.

    "Ok well I need you for something important." I say as we walk.

    "And what may that be?"

    "Helping someone believe. I need you to pretend that you're sick, and that you're sick because magic is dying." I tell her.

    "(Y/n), why on earth would I do that?" Wendy asks.

    "Because we need Henry to believe, and I'm sorry but if you don't your brothers will get the consequences." I say as we arrive at a ladder leading up in a rock. I follow Wendy up. Inside there is a bed and other things that make it feel home like.

    "Alright what exactly must I do?"
I tell her the plan and she gets in bed. I turn around to see Peter standing behind me.

     "Everything in order?" He asks.

    "Yes now I'll go before Henry comes." I say and I climb down the ladder and wait in the bushes. Soon Henry walks by. I faintly hear Wendy coughing and Henry goes up the ladder. I wait a while before I go back to climb the ladder.

    "Please go. Before you too become ill." Wendy tells Henry.

   "Henry?" I say.
He turns around standing up from the bed.
"Henry, you shouldn't be here."

    "I'm sorry." Henry said as he walks over.

    "Will she get better?" Henry asks me before I go.

    "She'll just get worse as time goes on. The way she'll get better is if the magic is restored fully. Now you must go." I tell Henry and he goes down the ladder and runs off.

    "Well done. I couldn't have played the part better myself." Peter says as he walks out from the curtains and Wendy sits up, "Oh and that bit about dear old Dad, excellent job."
I go over and stand beside Peter.

    "I don't like lying to him." Wendy says.

    "Don't think of it as lying. Think of it as providing motivation." Peter tells Wendy.

    "Motivation for what?" She asks.

    "Doing what needs to be done. For all of us." I tell her.

    "You see Henry has the heart of the truest believer,  and I need to control that belief." Peter says.

    "What do you need him to believe in?" She wonders.

    "Me. Now back to your cage." Peter says.

I help Wendy out of bed and we walk back to her cage.

    "See you later Wendy." I say and I shut the cage door.

Peter and I appear sitting against a tree as Henry walks by with his head hung.

    "Why so glum, chum?" Peter asks.
Henry stops walking and turns to face us, Peter and I get to our feet as he walks over and I lean against the tree.

    "You said you weren't keeping any secrets. But you lied. I found Wendy." Henry says and I push off the tree and walk over.

    "Henry, I can explain." Peter says.

    "She's dying, isn't she? Don't lie (Y/n) told me." Henry said.

    "Yes, I'm afraid she is. Like much of the island. Because the magic here is slipping away. I would've told you, but I didn't want you to have that weight on your shoulders. Knowing that a young girl's life depends on you." Peter says to Henry.

    "So I'm the only one who can save magic? " Henry asks.

    "You are." Peter answers.

    "How do I do it?" Henry asks.
A smile uncontrollably spreads across my lips.

    "The question isn't how Henry. It's where. Follow us." Peter says and quickly walks off with me right beside him and Henry a little bit behind.
We walk for a bit till we arrive at a cliff and not too far off is a small island.

    "Is that Skull Rock?" Henry asks looking at it.

    "Yes, inside is where our salvation awaits." Peter tells Henry.

    "A salvation that only the heart of the truest believer can bring." I say standing a bit behind Henry.

    "Me?" He asks.

    "That's right, Henry. But I won't lie to you. It won't be easy. It will require heroism and sacrifice. The only question is, are you up to the task?" Peter asks Henry.

    "Yes." Henry finally said.
I hold Peter's hand and squeeze.

Peter Pan, True Love // Peter x Y/n // OUATWhere stories live. Discover now