19 The Darkness

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Hook was the first to see me and came over to where I was.

    "Thank you for your help back there." He says with his smile.

     "Your welcome."
Just then an out of breath Belle comes running in.

    "Rumple, his heart, he said it's almost gone. And, uh, he said we're in danger." Belle said out of breath and in panic.
We all quickly run to Mr. Gold's shop, including me.

We stand around as Rumple lay on the ground, his eyes closed.

"We're pulling the Darkness from him and containing it." An Old Man said as he was kneeling beside Rumple.

"Does that mean that his heart will be healed?" Belle asks.

"Perhaps, if the strength is there. This is more dark power then the hats ever been asked to contain." The Old Man said.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying watching Rumple suffer, it brought me joy.

"Do what you need to do." Emma said.

"Purest evil, blackest bloom. Darkness, too, can find its doom." The Old Man muttered and he reaches his hand inside Rumples chest pulling out a completely blackened heart. The Old Man waved his hand and a magical hat appeared from a small golden circle box. The Old Man stood up and held the heat in front of the hat. "Never dying but contained Bound inside the falcons chamber Shorn of anger, thornless danger There forever to remain." chanted the Old Man and the inside of the hat glowed yellow starting to suck the black from Rumples heart.
When he was finished Rumples heart was white and the Old Man put the heart back inside Rumples chest.

"He's barely breathing." Belles voice was full of worry.

"And that's a bad thing?" I say quietly to myself.

"Rumplestiltskin was The Dark One for centuries. His return to the man he used to be will not be easy." The Old Man said as he stood up, he waved his hand over Rumple. "This will preserve him until we discern if we can help him."

"If?" Belle looks up at the Old Man.

Suddenly the gold circle box began to glow.

"Everybody, step back." Emma said as everyone takes a small step away.
Suddenly black emerged from the box and went straight towards the Old Man. Circling him before going in his mouth. His body starts to shake and his eyes turn black. Emma shoots magic and the Man fell down as the Darkness leaves his body heading outside.

"Mom, Dad, go after it. Go. I'll be right there." Emma orders.
I look at Hook and pass him Jane, he just stares at me with a confused, surprised expression on his face as I run after Snow and David giving him no explanation.
I run out into dark streets of Storybrooke after Snow and David. Truthfully I don't even exactly know why, but I did.
We quickly come to a stop when we arrive at a 4-way.

"Where is it?" I hear Emma ask as she runs up behind us with Hook.

"We don't know." I tell them, then I look at Hook.

"I gave her to, Henry." He said understanding my look.

"It just disappeared into the night." Snow said and I bring my attention back to her.

"Hey, what's going on?" Regina asked as she walked up with Robin completely oblivious to what just happened.

"The Dark One, it's no longer tethered to the crocodile." Hook told her.

"What? Where the hell is it?" Regina asked as she looked into the night.

"It hasn't gone anywhere." I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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